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Changes in corn bunting distribution on the South Downs in relation to agricultural land use and cereal invertebrates (ENRR129)

Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra have declined in Britain and Northern Europe over the last 100 years, and this decline has been most rapid in the last 25 years.

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ENRR129 - part 1, PDF, 3.0 MB 2011/11/23
ENRR129 - part 2, PDF, 2.5 MB 2011/11/23
ENRR129 - part 3, PDF, 1.1 MB 2011/11/23
ENRR129 - part 4, PDF, 2.5 MB 2011/11/23
ENRR129 - part 5, PDF, 2.1 MB 2011/11/23


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