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Severn Estuary EMS

This record contains Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales’ (CCW’s) advice issued under Regulation 33 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994, for the Severn Estuary European Marine Site (EMS,) which comprises the Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA), and Ramsar site, namely conservation objectives and advice on operations. It also includes an explanation of the purpose and format of Natural England and CCW’s “Regulation 33 advice”.

The management scheme associated with this site can be found here.

If you have any further questions regarding the Severn Estuary EMS please contact:

Downloads available for this record

File Uploaded
Severn Estuary EMS Regulation 33 Conservation Advice Package, PDF, 1.2 MB 2012/11/29
Severn Estuary EMS Boundary Map, JPG, 5.1 MB 2012/11/29
Severn Estuary SPA Standard Data Form, PDF, 26.5 kB 2012/10/24
Severn Estuary SAC Standard Data Form, PDF, 52.7 kB 2012/10/24


This record relates to the location identified by the marker on the map: