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Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making (NERR092)

This report is about how to come to shared strategic understanding about the natural environment, in a place, using a natural capital evidence base. It is about working collaboratively and in partnership so that we can do more to enhance nature and human wellbeing. It sets out an approach that will help you include natural capital evidence in your strategic decision-making and identifies Natural England’s evidence-based tools that will help along the way.

Working with natural capital helps deliver multiple benefits for people through our actions to improve the natural environment. This is part of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan (HM Government 2018) and is relevant whether you are trying to plan strategically in your place, contributing to the nature recovery network or planning nature-based solutions that will help alleviate flooding or address the climate emergency.

For over a decade Natural England has been working with natural capital in a practical way. Our approach and products are transparent, easy to use, widely available and collaborative. This report brings everything together in one place to improve your access to this material and share our approach.
We present our best practice view based on our own learning to date of what is most important to include in a natural capital approach. At each stage we highlight the learning that has brought us to this point and signpost tools and resources we have developed that will help.

We recommend using the Handbook alongside the best and most recent evidence on the state of natural capital, communicated for a wide variety of decision-makers, which can be found in the State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024.

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Summary: Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making NERR 092, PDF, 3.3 MB 2021/05/11
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making NERR 092 Edition 2, PDF, 3.8 MB 2021/05/11
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist EIN 051, PDF, 78.7 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 2 Bassenthwaite Upland Ecosystem Service Pilot EIN 052, PDF, 227.7 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots EIN 053, PDF, 82.5 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators EIN 054, PDF, 98.6 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators EIN 055, PDF, 110.0 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves EIN 056, PDF, 109.8 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley EIN 057, PDF, 78.5 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey EIN 058, PDF, 76.7 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer EIN 059, PDF, 78.7 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER) EIN 060, PDF, 101.7 kB 2021/03/05
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) EIN 061, PDF, 113.5 kB 2021/03/05

Related Access to Evidence records

Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist (EIN051)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 2 Bassenthwaite Upland Ecosystem Service Pilot (EIN052)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots (EIN053)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators (EIN054)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators (EIN055)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves (EIN056)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley (EIN057)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey (EIN058)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer (EIN059)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER) (EIN060)
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) (EIN061)