This guide explains the requirements for licensing activities that affect European Protected Species, focusing particularly on mitigation licences issued under Regulation 53(2) (e). These activities include:
- those required to preserve public health or public safety
- plans or projects such as building, engineering, mining or other operations, on, over, or under land
- the material change in use of any buildings or other land
- the demolition of buildings, rebuilding, structural alterations of, or additions to, buildings and maintenance and repairs to structures
The purpose of this guide is to help applicants understand the process and the requirements that must be met to get a licence. Ecological consultants and other professionals such as planning consultants, surveyors or architects who provide support during the application process may also find the guide a useful summary.
The privacy statement in section 15.3 of the guidance is out of date. See how now we use your personal infomation in the Wildlife licensing privacy notice