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St Austell Bay Maerl Survey Acoustic and Video Analysis 2014 (RP00981)

In July 2012, as part of a larger survey of maerl beds in Cornwall, Seasearch divers identified a previously undocumented area of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Habitat Maerl Beds (Gall 2012) in the east of St Austell Bay, South East Cornwall. In response to the findings of Gall (2012) Natural England in conjunction with Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (CIFCA) undertook acoustic and drop-down video surveys within the bay in order to identify areas of maerl. Seastar Survey Ltd. were contracted by Natural England to conduct analysis of the drop-down video and sidescan sonar data collected.

Project details

Start date2012-11-01
End date2014-04-30

Project outputs

This project produced the following outputs:

Field survey completeSpatial data
Final report completeOther report/publication

Downloads available for this record

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RP00981 Edition 1 St Austell Bay Maerl Survey Acoustic and Video Analysis 2014, PDF, 2.2 MB 2017/07/26


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