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East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths NNR: Lichen survey of Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI 2011 (RP1031)

A walk over lichen survey was carried out within Bovey Valley Woodlands focusing on areas likely to support well developed lichen communities and notable species. 155 taxa including 36 notable species were recorded with lichen habitats of note being riparian mixed broad-leaved woodland, oak woodland and veteran trees associated with old pasture.

Using the New Index of Ecological Continuity (NIEC) Hisley Wood is of conservation importance for epiphytic lichen habitats.

Other historic lichen records within Dartmoor NNRs are available from East Dartmoor NNR archives.

Project details

Start date2011-10-01
End date2012-01-31

Closing statement

The report, which includes management guidance, plus other current and historical data on lichens within Dartmoor NNRs can be made available on request.


This record relates to the location identified by the marker on the map: