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East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths NNR: Usnea Florida Survey of East Dartmoor NNR including Yarner Wood SSSI and Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI (RP1001)

A survey of the distribution and abundance of Usnea Florida within East Dartmoor NNR, using twelve walkover survey routes within Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI and Yarner Wood SSSI. Includes characteristics of suitable habitat and information to inform appropriate woodland management practices. Where individuals were found transects were repeated two or three times. The data suggests topography was an important factor contributing to distribution. U. florida is most frequent on south facing slopes and was associated with wayside trees, which provided open well-lit situations. Full report and data is available. Surveyor-Abigail Wills NE Volunteer

Project details

Start date2011-10-25
End date2012-03-06

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East Dartmoor NNR Usnea florida data summary 2012, PDF, 150.4 kB 2015/08/04


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