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East Dartmoor Woods and Heath NNR: Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI - Bryophytes systematic species list 2010 (RP1033)

Review of the bryophyte species list for Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI combining information from a 1991 survey (Ron Porley) and a 1998 survey (M.Pool) with revised nomenclature according to ‘Mosses and Liverworts of Britian and Ireland, British Bryological Society 2010.

Includes information on leafy liverworts, thallose liverworts,sphagna, acrocarpous mosses and pleurocarpous mosses.

Project details

Start date2010-04-01
End date2010-04-30

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Bovey Valley Woodlands SSSI - Bryophytes systematic species list 2010, PDF, 131.7 kB 2015/08/05


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