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Special Areas of Conservation

Publications and products about Special Areas of Conservation. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
112 River Lambourn : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF112 2014/10/01
112 Rivers Lambourn & Kennet: Proposed targets for SAC and SSSI conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP (RIVPDF112 Additional) RIV112ADD 2014/10/01
168 Peak District Dales rivers (Dove, Lathkill, Manifold, Wye) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF168 2014/10/09
185 River Avon : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF185 2014/10/01
186 River Axe : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF186 2014/10/01
187 River Camel : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF187 2014/10/01
188 River Clun : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF188 2014/10/01
189 River Dee (and Bala Lake) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF189 2014/10/01
190 River Derwent (cumbria) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF190 2014/10/01
191 River Eden : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF191 2014/10/01
192 River Ehen : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF192 2014/10/01
193 River Itchen : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF193 2014/10/01
  193 Rivers Itchen & Test : Proposed targets for SAC and SSSI conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP (RIVPDF193 Additional) RIV193ADD 2014/10/01
194 River Kent : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF194 2016/07/12
195 River Derwent : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF195 2014/10/01
196 River Mease : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP. RIVPDF196 2014/10/01
197 River Tweed : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF197 2014/10/01
198 River Wensum : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF198 2014/10/01
199 River Wye : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF199 2014/10/01
Alde-Ore Estuary Complex: National Vegetation Classification 2013 IPENS012 2015/07/15
An Investigation into the Nutrient Levels of Breckland Fluctuating Meres IPENS032 2016/04/05
  Ashdown Forest: a review of grazing ENRR535 2003/06/02
Atmospheric nitrogen theme plan IPENSTP013 2015/05/20
Berwickshire Intertidal Rocky Reefs IPENS031 2015/09/04
  Biotope survey of the Littoral Sediment of the North Norfolk Coast candidate SAC ENRR285 1998/10/01
Border Mires 3 - Habitat mapping IPENS072 2017/02/14
Border mires 2 - mapping active ditches IPENS070 2017/02/14
Bowes Moor SSSI Site Restoration Plan January 2018 to December 2028 MRP006 2018/09/28
Burning as a tool for the restoration of upland blanket bog: Position Statement from Natural England UPS01 2020/11/04
Climate change theme plan IPENSTP014 2015/06/08
Coastal catch-up how a soft rock cliff evolves when coastal defences fail NECR256 2018/10/04
Coastal management theme plan IPENSTP019 2015/07/20
College Valley Estate Moorland Vegetation Management Plan MRP014 2019/01/09
Condition Assessment Monitoring for Reefs, Isles of Scilly European Marine Site - Diving Survey June 2011 NECR104 2012/10/22
  Condition Monitoring of the Intertidal Mudflats and Sandflats Feature of the Fal & Helford SAC RP00609 2015/12/17
Condition monitoring of saltmarsh features in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC: Volume 2 - North Norfolk Coast IPENS026 2015/10/30
Condition monitoring of the saltmarsh feature of The Wash and the North Norfolk Coast SAC: Volume 1 - The Wash IPENS027 2015/10/30
Crag Estate Moorland Agreement April 2017-April 2023 MRP004 2018/09/28
Design of a vegetation monitoring scheme for the Border Mires IPENS060 2015/09/04
Diffuse water pollution theme plan IPENSTP015 2015/05/21
Distribution of selected non-native species within the intertidal zone of the North East Kent Marine Protected Areas IPENS035 2016/04/05
Drigg Coast Special Area of Conservation - Ravenglass Estuary Intertidal Survey IPENS021 2015/07/16
  Flood defence standards for designated sites ENRR629 2006/01/01
Functional linkage: How areas that are functionally linked to European sites have been considered when they may be affected by plans and projects - a review of authoritative decisions NECR207 2016/02/29
  Geomorphological appraisal of the River Wensum Special Area of Conservation ENRR685 2006/09/08
Grazing theme plan IPENSTP016 2015/07/22
Habitat fragmentation theme plan IPENSTP017 2015/06/10
Healthy Estuaries 2020: An Assessment of Estuary Morphological Equilibrium NECR250 2018/07/23
Hidden Beneath the Tides – UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation IN72 2001/10/01
Hydrological functioning theme plan IPENSTP018 2015/05/20
  Identification of marine habitats relevant to Special Areas of Conservation ENRR659 2005/01/01
Improvement Programme for England's Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS) Programme Report: a summary of the programme findings NE601 2015/05/21
Improvement Programme for England's Natura 2000 Sites: Natura 2000 map IPENSINFO2 2013/05/01
Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS) Programme Scoping: identifying key issues affecting Natura 2000 sites and priorities for the IPENS project NERR053 2013/12/19
Invasive species theme plan IPENSTP020 2015/05/26
Isles of Scilly Complex SAC Seagrass Survey 2016 TP6342 2020/04/29
Lake restoration theme plan IPENSTP021 2015/05/20
  Littoral & sublittoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries Candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation ENRR305 1998/10/01
  Littoral sediments of the Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC: the 1998 surveys of intertidal sediment and invertebrates ENRR470 2002/01/01
Method for prioritising fisheries in floodplain restoration STREAM05 2007/10/01
Monitoring Intertidal Sandflats of the Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation: Survey of the Infaunal Organisms of St. Martin’s Sedimentary Shore, September 2009 NECR042 2010/06/15
Monitoring grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Isles of Scilly during the 2010 pupping season (August to December 2010) NECR103 2012/10/22
  Monitoring of Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC subtidal boulder and cobbles 2011 RP02885 2015/12/17
  Monitoring otters in SACs: testing the protocol ENRR664 2005/10/21
Monitoring the Atlantic Salmon IN122 2003/01/01
  Monitoring the condition of lowland grassland SSSIs: Pt 1 English Nature’s rapid assessment method ENRR315 2000/01/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - Alport Moor MRP007 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Ashop Moor MRP008 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Birchinlee Moor MRP009 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Derwent and Howden Moor MRP010 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - East Crowden Moor MRP011 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - Nether Moor MRP012 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - Ronksley Moor MRP013 2018/10/03
  Natural England Standard: Conservation Objectives for European Sites in England NESTND031 2013/07/18
Pacific Oyster Survey 2014 and 2015; Plymouth Sound & Estuaries and Fal & Helford Special Areas of Conservation NERR075 2019/04/15
Physical and biological monitoring of STREAM restoration projects Monitoring Protocol STREAM06 2007/11/01
Physical and biological monitoring of STREAM restoration projects Year Four Report STREAM17 2009/08/03
Physical and biological monitoring of STREAM restoration projects Year One Report STREAM14 2007/02/01
Physical and biological monitoring of STREAM restoration projects annual report – year 2 STREAM15 2007/11/01
Physical and biological monitoring of STREAM restoration projects year three report STREAM16 2009/04/01
  Plymouth Sound & Estuaries Complex: condition assessment of seagrass bed communities 2012 (MFP027) RP00839 2015/12/17
  Plymouth Sound & Estuaries SAC: diving condition assessment of kelp forest communities 2012 (MFP026) RP00838 2015/12/17
  Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC/SSSI: 2013 saltmarsh condition assessment survey RP01513 2016/12/08
  Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC: Subtidal Mixed Cobble and Gravel Subfeature and Subtidal Rocky Reefs Subfeature condition assessment RP01472 2015/12/17
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Fovant (R. Nadder) STREAM07 2009/07/24
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Hale (R.Avon) STREAM08 2009/05/11
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Seven Hatches (R.Wylye) STREAM09 2009/05/11
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Upper Woodford (R. Avon) STREAM11 2009/04/16
Potential risk of impacts of nitrogen oxides from road traffic on designated nature conservation sites NECR200 2016/02/18
Proposed total phosphorus targets for Lake Natura 2000 Protected Area Special Areas of Conservation for the updated river basin management plan consultation 2014/10/01
Public access and disturbance theme plan IPENSTP022 2015/06/24
River restoration assessment of the STREAM project - executive summary STREAM10 2009/12/31
River restoration theme plan IPENSTP023 2015/05/20
SAC Status reporting on Vertigo moulinsiana in England IPENS061 2015/06/09
STREAM - Appendix A: Reach-Scale Mapping STREAM13 2009/04/01
STREAM - layman's report STREAM12 2010/01/01
  Sabellaria spinulosa reef in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast cSAC and its approaches: Part I, mapping techniques and ecological assessment ENRR545 2004/01/01
  Sabellaria spinulosa reef in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast cSAC and its approaches: Part III, Summary of knowledge, recommended monitoring strategies and outstanding research requirements ENRR543 2004/01/01
  Sabellaria spinulosa reef in the Wash and North Norfolk Coast cSAC and its approaches: Part II, fine scale mapping of the spatial and temporal distribution of reefs and the development of techniques for monitoring condition ENRR544 2004/01/01
  Salisbury Plain SSSI Integrated Site Assessment 2014-15 RP02386 2017/06/23
  Salisbury Plain: Common standards monitoring rare vascular plant survey 2008 RP04136 2017/06/23
  Salisbury Plain: Tor-grass mapping feasibility study 2015 RP02081 2017/06/23
  Severn Estuary SAC and SPA: Intertidal mudflats and sandflats condition assessment 2012 RP00844 2016/07/26
Site Improvement Plan: Alde-Ore Estuaries SIP002 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: Arnecliff and Park Hole Woods SIP003 2014/10/30
Site Improvement Plan: Arun Valley SIP004 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Asby Complex SIP005 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Ashdown Forest SIP006 2014/11/24
Site Improvement Plan: Aston Rowant SIP007 2014/11/04
Site Improvement Plan: Avon Gorge Woodlands SIP008 2015/01/08
Site Improvement Plan: Avon River and Valley SIP185 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Barnack Hills & Holes SIP009 2014/12/01
Site Improvement Plan: Baston Fen SIP010 2014/10/15
Site Improvement Plan: Bath and Bradford on Avon Bats SIP011 2015/04/08
Site Improvement Plan: Beast Cliff-Whitby (Robin Hood's Bay) SIP013 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Beer Quarry & Caves SIP012 2015/04/29
Site Improvement Plan: Bees Nest & Green Clay Pits SIP014 2014/10/23
Site Improvement Plan: Benacre to Easton Bavents SIP015 2015/01/22
Site Improvement Plan: Birklands & Bilhaugh SIP016 2015/01/07
Site Improvement Plan: Blackstone Point SIP017 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Blean Complex SIP018 2015/01/09
Site Improvement Plan: Bolton Fell Moss SIP019 2014/10/28
Site Improvement Plan: Border Mires and Kielder Butterburn SIP020 2014/12/15
Site Improvement Plan: Borrowdale Woodland Complex SIP021 2014/11/26
Site Improvement Plan: Bracket's Coppice SIP023 2015/03/18
Site Improvement Plan: Braunton Burrows SIP024 2014/12/01
Site Improvement Plan: Breckland SIP025 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Bredon Hill SIP026 2015/02/25
Site Improvement Plan: Breney Common and Goss & Tregoss Moors SIP027 2014/11/19
Site Improvement Plan: Briddlesford Copses SIP029 2015/05/14
Site Improvement Plan: Broadland SIP030 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: Brown Moss SIP031 2014/11/24
Site Improvement Plan: Burnham Beeches SIP032 2014/12/15
Site Improvement Plan: Butser Hill SIP033 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Calf Hill & Cragg Woods SIP034 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Cannock Chase SIP035 2014/10/28
Site Improvement Plan: Cannock Extension Canal SIP036 2014/10/15
Site Improvement Plan: Carrine Common SIP037 2014/10/23
Site Improvement Plan: Castle Eden Dene SIP038 2014/12/16
Site Improvement Plan: Castle Hill SIP039 2015/05/15
Site Improvement Plan: Cerne & Sydling Downs SIP040 2015/04/29
Site Improvement Plan: Chesil Beach and The Fleet SIP041 2014/12/09
Site Improvement Plan: Chilmark Quarries SIP044 2015/03/30
Site Improvement Plan: Chilterns Beechwoods SIP045 2015/03/05
Site Improvement Plan: Clints Quarry SIP046 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Cothill Fen SIP047 2014/10/28
Site Improvement Plan: Cotswold Beechwoods SIP048 2015/03/30
Site Improvement Plan: Craven Limestone Complex SIP049 2014/11/28
Site Improvement Plan: Crookhill Brick Pit SIP050 2015/01/16
Site Improvement Plan: Crowdy Marsh SIP051 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Culm Grasslands SIP052 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Cumbrian Marsh Fritillary Site SIP053 2014/10/24
Site Improvement Plan: Dee Estuary/Aber Dyfrdwy & Mersey Narrows SIP056 2015/01/30
Site Improvement Plan: Denby Grange Colliery Ponds SIP057 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Devils Dyke SIP059 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Dew's Ponds SIP060 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Dixton Wood SIP061 2015/01/21
Site Improvement Plan: Dorset Heaths SIP062 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Dover to Kingsdown Cliffs SIP063 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Downton Gorge SIP064 2014/12/22
Site Improvement Plan: Drigg Coast SIP065 2014/12/09
Site Improvement Plan: Duddon Mosses SIP066 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: Duncton to Bignor Escarpment SIP067 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Dungeness SIP068 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Durham Coast SIP069 2014/11/07
Site Improvement Plan: East Devon Heaths SIP070 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: East Hampshire Hangers SIP071 2014/12/15
Site Improvement Plan: Ebernoe Common SIP072 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Ellers Wood & Sand Dale SIP073 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Emer Bog SIP074 2015/01/16
Site Improvement Plan: Ensor's Pool SIP075 2014/11/07
Site Improvement Plan: Epping Forest SIP076 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Essex Estuaries SIP077 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Eversden and Wimpole Woods SIP078 2015/05/12
Site Improvement Plan: Exe Dawlish SIP079 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Exmoor & Quantock Oakwoods SIP080 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Exmoor Heaths SIP081 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Fal & Helford SIP082 2014/12/09
Site Improvement Plan: Fen Bog SIP083 2014/10/28
Site Improvement Plan: Fenland SIP084 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Fenn's, Whixall, Bettisfield, Wem & Cadney Mosses SIP085 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Fens Pool SIP086 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Flamborough and Filey Coast SIP087 2015/02/26
Site Improvement Plan: Folkestone to Etchinghill Escarpment SIP088 2015/01/09
Site Improvement Plan: Fontmell & Melbury Downs SIP089 2015/04/17
Site Improvement Plan: Ford Moss SIP090 2014/11/03
Site Improvement Plan: Gang Mine SIP091 2014/11/10
Site Improvement Plan: Godrevy Head to St Agnes SIP092 2014/11/19
Site Improvement Plan: Great Yarmouth Winterton Horsey SIP093 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Great Yews SIP094 2014/11/26
Site Improvement Plan: Grimsthorpe SIP095 2014/11/24
Site Improvement Plan: Hackpen Hill SIP096 2014/12/17
Site Improvement Plan: Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton SIP097 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Hamford Water SIP098 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Harbottle Moors SIP099 2014/12/16
Site Improvement Plan: Hartslock Wood SIP100 2015/03/05
Site Improvement Plan: Hastings Cliffs SIP101 2014/12/22
Site Improvement Plan: Helbeck & Swindale Woods SIP102 2014/11/24
Site Improvement Plan: Hestercombe House SIP103 2015/04/13
Site Improvement Plan: Holme Moor & Clean Moor SIP105 2014/11/10
Site Improvement Plan: Holnest SIP106 2014/10/03
Site Improvement Plan: Humber Estuary SIP108 2014/12/22
Site Improvement Plan: Ingleborough Complex SIP109 2014/10/17
Site Improvement Plan: Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge SIP110 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Isle of Wight Downs SIP111 2015/02/16
Site Improvement Plan: Isles of Scilly Complex SIP211 2014/10/03
Site Improvement Plan: Kennet Valley Alderwoods SIP113 2014/11/20
Site Improvement Plan: Kingley Vale SIP114 2015/05/15
Site Improvement Plan: Kirk Deighton SIP115 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Lake District High Fells SIP116 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Lands End and Cape Bank SIP117 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Lewes Downs SIP120 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Little Wittenham SIP122 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Liverpool Bay / Bae Lerpwl SIP123 2015/04/09
Site Improvement Plan: Lizard Point SIP124 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Lower Bostraze & Leswidden SIP125 2015/04/29
Site Improvement Plan: Lower Derwent Valley SIP058 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Lundy SIP126 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Lydden and Temple Ewell Downs SIP127 2015/03/10
Site Improvement Plan: Lyme Bay and Torbay SIP128 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Lyppard Grange Ponds SIP129 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Manchester Mosses SIP130 2014/11/10
Site Improvement Plan: Margate and Long Sands SIP132 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Mells Valley SIP135 2015/03/13
Site Improvement Plan: Mendip Limestone Grasslands SIP136 2015/03/13
Site Improvement Plan: Mendip Woodlands SIP137 2015/03/13
Site Improvement Plan: Minsmere to Walberswick Heaths and Marshes SIP139 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment SIP140 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Morecambe Bay SIP141 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Morecambe Bay Pavements SIP142 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: Mottey Meadows SIP143 2014/11/13
Site Improvement Plan: Mottisfont Bats SIP144 2015/02/18
Site Improvement Plan: Naddle Forest SIP145 2014/10/06
Site Improvement Plan: Nene Washes SIP146 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: New Forest SIP147 2014/12/05
Site Improvement Plan: Newham Fen SIP148 2014/10/17
Site Improvement Plan: Newlyn Downs SIP149 2014/10/24
Site Improvement Plan: Norfolk Valley Fens SIP150 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: North Downs Woodlands SIP151 2015/01/09
Site Improvement Plan: North East Kent (Thanet) SIP240 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: North Meadow & Clattinger Farm SIP152 2014/11/21
Site Improvement Plan: North Pennine Dales Meadows SIP153 2015/02/18
Site Improvement Plan: North Pennines Group SIP154 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: North Somerset & Mendip Bats SIP155 2015/04/17
Site Improvement Plan: North York Moors SIP156 2014/11/04
Site Improvement Plan: Northumberland Coastal SIP157 2015/01/29
Site Improvement Plan: Oak Mere SIP158 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Orton Pit SIP159 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Ouse Washes SIP160 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Overstrand Cliffs SIP161 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Ox Close SIP162 2014/10/16
Site Improvement Plan: Oxford Meadows SIP163 2014/12/10
Site Improvement Plan: Parkgate Down SIP165 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Paston Great Barn SIP166 2015/01/21
Site Improvement Plan: Pasturefields Salt Marsh SIP167 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Peak District Dales SIP168 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Penhale Dunes SIP169 2014/12/22
Site Improvement Plan: Peters Pit SIP170 2014/12/18
Site Improvement Plan: Pevensey Levels SIP171 2014/10/31
Site Improvement Plan: Pewsey Downs SIP172 2015/02/19
Site Improvement Plan: Phoenix United Mine and Crow's Nest SIP173 2015/04/08
Site Improvement Plan: Plymouth Sound and Tamar Estuary SIP174 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Polruan to Polperro SIP175 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Portholme SIP177 2014/12/23
Site Improvement Plan: Portland-Studland & St Albans-Durlston SIP178 2014/10/29
Site Improvement Plan: Prescombe Down SIP180 2015/04/29
Site Improvement Plan: Quants SIP181 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Queendown Warren SIP182 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Rex Graham Reserve SIP183 2015/01/08
Site Improvement Plan: Richmond Park SIP184 2014/12/11
Site Improvement Plan: River Axe SIP186 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: River Camel SIP187 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: River Clun SIP188 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: River Dee and Bala Lake SIP189 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: River Derwent SIP195 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: River Derwent and Bassenthwaite Lake SIP190 2014/10/03
Site Improvement Plan: River Eden SIP191 2014/10/03
Site Improvement Plan: River Ehen SIP192 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: River Itchen SIP193 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: River Kent SIP194 2014/10/28
Site Improvement Plan: River Lambourn and Kennet-Lambourn Floodplain SIP112 2014/10/02
Site Improvement Plan: River Mease SIP196 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: River Tweed SIP197 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: River Wensum SIP198 2014/10/08
Site Improvement Plan: River Wye SIP199 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Rixton Clay Pits SIP200 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: Rochdale Canal SIP201 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Rodborough Common SIP202 2015/05/06
Site Improvement Plan: Roman Wall Loughs SIP203 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Rook Clift SIP204 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Rooksmoor SIP205 2014/11/13
Site Improvement Plan: Roudsea Wood and Mosses SIP206 2014/12/04
Site Improvement Plan: Roydon Common and Dersingham Bog SIP207 2015/01/21
Site Improvement Plan: Salisbury Plain SIP209 2015/04/24
Site Improvement Plan: Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes & Gibraltar Point SIP121 2014/12/03
Site Improvement Plan: Sefton Ribble SIP212 2014/10/29
Site Improvement Plan: Severn Estuary Mor Hafren SIP213 2015/03/17
Site Improvement Plan: Shortheath Common SIP215 2014/12/15
Site Improvement Plan: Sidmouth to West Bay SIP216 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Simonside Hills SIP217 2014/12/08
Site Improvement Plan: Singleton and Cocking Tunnels SIP218 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Skipwith Common SIP219 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Solent SIP043 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons SIP270 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Solway Firth SIP220 2014/12/22
Site Improvement Plan: South Dartmoor Woods SIP222 2014/11/10
Site Improvement Plan: South Devon Shore Dock SIP223 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: South Hams SIP224 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: South Pennine Moors SIP225 2014/12/18
Site Improvement Plan: South Solway Mosses SIP226 2014/10/06
Site Improvement Plan: South Wight Maritime SIP271 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: St Austell Clay Pits SIP228 2015/05/20
Site Improvement Plan: Start Point to Plymouth Sound and Eddystone SIP229 2015/05/19
Site Improvement Plan: Staverton Park and The Thicks, Wantisden SIP230 2015/01/21
Site Improvement Plan: Stodmarsh SIP231 2014/10/31
Site Improvement Plan: Strensall Common SIP273 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Studland to Portland SIP233 2015/05/20
Site Improvement Plan: Subberthwaite, Blawith & Torver Low Commons SIP234 2014/10/14
Site Improvement Plan: Tarn Moss SIP235 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Thames Basin SIP237 2014/11/04
Site Improvement Plan: The Lizard SIP241 2014/10/09
Site Improvement Plan: The Mens SIP242 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: The Stiperstones and The Hollies SIP243 2015/01/23
Site Improvement Plan: The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SIP245 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Thorne and Hatfield Moors SIP246 2014/12/10
Site Improvement Plan: Thrislington SIP247 2015/04/30
Site Improvement Plan: Tintagel Marsland Clovelly Coast SIP248 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Tregonning Hill SIP249 2015/02/25
Site Improvement Plan: Tyne and Allen River Gravels SIP251 2014/12/19
Site Improvement Plan: Tyne and Nent SIP252 2014/12/11
Site Improvement Plan: Ullswater Oakwoods SIP253 2014/12/04
Site Improvement Plan: Walton Moss SIP256 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Wast Water SIP257 2014/10/31
Site Improvement Plan: Waveney and Little Ouse Valley Fens SIP258 2015/01/27
Site Improvement Plan: Wealden Heaths Woolmer Forest SIP259 2014/10/23
Site Improvement Plan: West Dorset Alder Woods SIP260 2014/11/26
Site Improvement Plan: West Midlands Mosses SIP261 2014/10/10
Site Improvement Plan: Wimbledon Common SIP262 2014/11/18
Site Improvement Plan: Windsor Forest and Great Park SIP263 2014/11/18
Site Improvement Plan: Witherslack Mosses SIP264 2014/10/07
Site Improvement Plan: Wormley Hoddesdonpark Woods SIP265 2015/04/29
Site Improvement Plan: Wye Valley Woodlands/Coetiroedd Dyffryn Gwy SIP268 2015/01/27
Site Improvement Plan: Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Bat Sites / Safleoedd Ystlumod Dyffryn Gwy A Fforest Y Ddena SIP267 2015/03/11
Site Improvement Plan: Wye and Crundale Downs SIP266 2015/03/09
Site Improvement Plan: Yewbarrow Woods SIP269 2014/12/16
Small-scale effects: How the scale of effects has been considered in respect of plans and projects affecting European sites - a review of authoritative decisions NECR205 2016/02/29
Spurn Geomorphological Assessment NECR255 2018/10/04
State of the natural environment in the South West NE136 2009/01/01
Surface water catchment mapping for Natura 2000 Diffuse Water Pollution Plans IPENS067 2016/04/05
  Survey of chalk cave, cliff, intertidal and subtidal reef biotopes in the Thanet Coast cSAC ENRR325 1998/10/01
Temporary effects: How the longevity of effects has been considered in respect of plans and projects affecting European sites - a review of authoritative decisions NECR206 2016/02/29
  Thanet intertidal survey: assessment of favourable condition of reef and seacave features in the Thanet Coast cSAC ENRR568 2004/01/01
  The development of remote sensing techniques for marine SAC monitoring ENRR552 2003/01/01
The ecological effects of air pollution from road transport: an updated review NECR199 2016/02/18
The relationship between Site Improvement Plans for Natura 2000 sites and River Basin Management Plans SIPINFO1 2014/10/06
  Veteran tree management and Dendrochronology: Birklands & Bilhaugh cSAC, Nottinghamshire ENRR489 2003/01/01
  Walshaw Moor Estate Catchment Restoration 2017-2042 Plan MRP002 2018/02/12
Wemmergill Moor Limited Management Agreement 2017-2042 MRP003 2018/10/02
Westleton Heath National Nature Reserve: National Vegetation Classification 2013 IPENS039 2015/07/16
White-clawed Crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) Survey of the River Dove between Hollinsclough and Beresford Dale, Peak District National Park IPENS058 2015/05/21
White-clawed crayfish survey for Ensor’s Pool SSSI/SAC (Warwickshire) IPENS065 2015/10/30
Williamston Estate Long Term Plan Jan 2017 to December 2046 MRP005 2018/09/28