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Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2010-11 survey (NECR083)

Natural England, Defra and the Forestry Commission commissioned a new survey called Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) to provide baseline and trend data on how people use the natural environment in England. The second annual report presents the main findings from the second year of the survey. The MENE On-line Cross-tabulation Viewer provides cross tabulations of all survey questions against standard socio-economic variables for year one and year two survey data.

The information within the report and the On-line Cross-tabulation Viewer are categorised as official statistics, and their production and publication accords with the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

Notice: an error was identified within the second Annual Report (NECR083). The error effected the data labels of figure 5-2 (Type of places visited – specific), specifically those labels for the following categories of visit destination: woodland, farmland, river, open space in countryside, playing field, and open space in town. The error has been corrected and the report republished. All downloads of the report prior to 09:50 on the 07th July 2011 are affected. For further information please contact


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NECR083 edition 2, PDF, 1.2 MB 2011/10/13