2020 Gap Analysis of the BOLD Database for Key English Invertebrates
NECR324 |
2020/10/14 |
A Historical Investigation of Solent Saltmarsh as Key Coastal Nursery Habitat Areas
NECR404 |
2022/02/17 |
A Lichen Survey of Penwith Moors (2019)
NECR332 |
2021/01/14 |
A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK
NECR217 |
2016/12/01 |
A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Calypterate flies in the UK
NECR234 |
2017/08/30 |
A framework for assessing confidence in environmental DNA qPCR assays and results
NECR359 |
2021/06/10 |
A guide to assessing and managing anthropogenic impact on marine angiosperm habitat
NECR111 |
2013/04/16 |
A proposal for terrestrial environmental monitoring of Plant Protection Products (PPP)
NECR377 |
2023/06/14 |
A recovery/conservation programme for marine species of conservation importance
NECR065 |
2011/12/20 |
A restoration management plan for Hatchet Pond in the New Forest
NECR328 |
2020/06/15 |
A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care
NECR204 |
2016/02/09 |
A review of techniques for monitoring the success of peatland restoration
NECR086 |
2011/09/02 |
A review of the Hemiptera of Great Britain: The Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Bugs
NECR188 |
2015/11/20 |
A review of the Hemiptera of Great Britain: The shieldbugs and allied families
NECR190 |
2016/03/11 |
A review of the Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and crickets) and allied species of Great Britain
NECR187 |
2015/11/20 |
A review of the beetles of Great Britain: Ground Beetles (Carabidae)
NECR189 |
2016/03/11 |
A review of the beetles of Great Britain: The Darkling Beetles and their allies
NECR148 |
2014/05/23 |
A review of the beetles of Great Britain: The Soldier Beetles and their allies
NECR134 |
2014/01/20 |
A review of the effectiveness of different on-site wastewater treatment systems and their management to reduce phosphorus pollution
NECR179 |
2015/03/24 |
A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda), centipedes (Chilopoda) and woodlice (Isopoda) of Great Britain
NECR186 |
2015/11/20 |
A review of the national importance and current condition of the saproxylic invertebrate assemblages at Birklands & Bilhaugh SSSIs, Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire
NECR072 |
2011/07/05 |
A review of the scarce and threatened beetles of Great Britain: The leaf beetles and their allies
NECR161 |
2014/10/24 |
A review of the status of larger Brachycera flies of Great Britain
NECR192 |
2017/08/30 |
A review of the status of the Dolichopodid flies of Great Britain
NECR195 |
2018/10/01 |
A review of the status of the Lonchopteridae, Platypezidae and Opetiidae flies of Great Britain
NECR246 |
2018/01/29 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain - The clown beetles and false clown beetles (Histeridae and Sphaeritidae)
NECR235 |
2017/08/30 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain Derodontidoidea (Derodontidae) and Bostrichoidea (Dermestidae, Bostrichidae and Ptinidae)
NECR236 |
2017/08/30 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae)
NECR272 |
2019/08/01 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain The Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae beetles
NECR265 |
2019/08/01 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain: The Silphidae (Carrion Beetles)
NECR316 |
2020/09/08 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain: The Staphylinidae (Rove Beetles)
NECR390 |
2022/02/10 |
A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain: The stag beetles, dor beetles, dung beetles, chafers and their allies - Lucanidae, Geotrupidae, Trogidae and Scarabaeidae
NECR224 |
2016/10/31 |
A review of the status of the caddis flies (Trichoptera) of Great Britain
NECR191 |
2016/03/11 |
A review of the status of the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Great Britain
NECR193 |
2016/03/11 |
A review of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Great Britain
NECR174 |
2015/02/12 |
A strategic analysis of the sustainability case for High Speed 2
NECR085 |
2011/07/19 |
A survey of selected agri-environment grassland and heathland creation and restoration sites
NECR107 |
2013/01/11 |
A think piece on the effectiveness of protected areas in England
NECR412 |
2022/06/16 |
Access to the countryside and bird conservation priorities for research
NECR003 |
2009/04/02 |
Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate
NECR081 |
2011/09/30 |
Adopting effective stakeholder engagement processes to deliver regional Marine Protected Area (MPA) network
NECR008 |
2009/12/01 |
Amberley Wild Brooks SSSI climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning report
NECR504 |
2023/10/12 |
An Intertidal Survey of the Biotopes of Rocky Scars in the Drigg Coast, European Marine Site
NECR397 |
2021/11/30 |
An Investigation into the Management of Catch Dykes in The Broads
NECR238 |
2017/10/17 |
An analysis of survey data from upland hay meadows in the North Pennines AONB
NECR069 |
2011/05/12 |
An approach to Seascape Character Assessment
NECR105 |
2012/10/11 |
An assessment of seed viability, germination and vegetative propagation requirements for least water-lily (Nuphar pumila)
NECR244 |
2017/12/12 |
An evaluation of the Walking for Wellness project and the befriender role
NECR118 |
2013/07/16 |
An evaluation of walking schemes in Devon
NECR070 |
2011/05/12 |
An evidence review for great crested newt eDNA monitoring protocols
NECR476 |
2023/05/18 |
An outline lake management plan for Hatchet Pond, New Forest SSSI
NECR319 |
2020/06/15 |
Analysis and Reporting of Lowland Freshwater Ditches Validation Network Monitoring Data
NECR005 |
2009/04/21 |
Analysis of the UK’s International Nature Obligations Phase 1
NECR513 |
2023/10/05 |
Analysis of the UK’s International Nature Obligations Phase 2
NECR514 |
2023/10/05 |
Analysis of vegetation data from different quadrat sizes
NECR006 |
2009/06/26 |
Ancient Woodland Inventory handbook
NECR248 |
2018/05/08 |
Applying behavioural insights to improve the messaging around the new Countryside Code: Summary
NECR386 |
2022/01/14 |
Ashdown Forest visitor survey data analysis
NECR048 |
2010/09/21 |
Assessing and addressing the impacts of ash dieback on UK woodlands and trees of conservation importance (Phase 2)
NECR151 |
2014/04/30 |
Assessing and enabling climate change adaptation in Nature Improvement Areas
NECR119 |
2013/09/27 |
Assessing and evaluating the cultural services of the South Pennines ecosystem services pilot
NECR128 |
2013/10/11 |
Assessing population status of the great crested newt in Great Britain
NECR080 |
2011/07/26 |
Assessing the effects of small increments of atmospheric nitrogen deposition (above the critical load) on semi-natural habitats of conservation importance
NECR210 |
2016/03/23 |
Assessing the genetic connectivity of two octocoral species in the Northeast Atlantic
NECR152 |
2014/06/16 |
Assessing the importance of spatial location of agri environment options within the landscape to butterflies
NECR157 |
2014/09/29 |
Assessing the potential for offshore infrastructure as platforms for environmental monitoring
NECR446 |
2022/10/03 |
Assessing the utility of land sharing and land sparing for birds, butterflies and ecosystem services in lowland England
NECR280 |
2021/01/20 |
Assessment of compensatory measures for impacts of offshore windfarms on seabirds
NECR431 |
2022/09/29 |
Assessment of displacement impacts of offshore windfarms and other human activities on red-throated divers and alcids
NECR227 |
2016/12/12 |
Assessment of population stability and sustainability of rare / scarce vascular plants West Penwith Moors, Cornwall (2016)
NECR342 |
2021/01/14 |
Assessment of the effect of Environmental Stewardship on improving the ecological status of grassland, moorland and heath
NECR156 |
2014/09/29 |
Assessment of the effects of Environmental Stewardship on landscape character
NECR158 |
2014/09/29 |
Assessment of the impacts of the CRoW Act on bird populations: Results from the baseline year of the pilot study, 2006
NECR040 |
2011/09/12 |
Assessment of the impacts of the CRoW Act on bird populations: Results on the second season of the Upland Breeding Bird Survey - assessing change between 2006 and 2007
NECR041 |
2011/09/12 |
Attitudes to Uplands Entry Level Stewardship
NECR091 |
2012/02/22 |
Avon Valley Grazing Project
NECR078 |
2011/08/04 |
Beaver Management Groups: Capturing lessons from the River Otter Beaver Trial and River Tamar Catchment
NECR434 |
2022/09/26 |
Benthic assemblages in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ
NECR462 |
2022/12/15 |
Bideford to Foreland Point MCZ 2019 Survey Report
NECR299 |
2021/04/09 |
Biological Survey of the Intertidal Sediments of the South Shore of Solway Firth, 2014
NECR393 |
2021/11/16 |
Boosting offshore wind skills for environmental professions
NECR445 |
2022/10/03 |
Care farming: Defining the ‘offer’ in England
NECR155 |
2014/08/07 |
Cereal invertebrates, extreme events and long-term trends in climate
NECR135 |
2014/02/13 |
Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR300 |
2021/04/09 |
Children and the natural environment: experiences, influences and interventions
NECR026 |
2011/03/24 |
Children’s perspectives on quality in local natural outdoor spaces
NECR461 |
2022/12/13 |
Climate Change and Biodiversity Adaptation: The Role of the Spatial Planning System
NECR004 |
2009/04/02 |
Climate change adaptation indicators for the natural environment
NECR038 |
2010/07/13 |
Climate change farm resilience planning
NECR120 |
2013/09/09 |
Climate change refugia for the flora and fauna of England
NECR162 |
2014/11/21 |
Coastal Change Management Areas Opportunities for sustainable solutions in areas subject to coastal change
NECR275 |
2019/01/17 |
Coastal Vegetated Shingle: Development of an evidence base of the extent and quality of shingle habitats in England to improve targeting and delivery of the coastal vegetated shingle HAP
NECR054 |
2010/12/17 |
Coastal catch-up how a soft rock cliff evolves when coastal defences fail
NECR256 |
2018/10/04 |
Coastal saline lagoons and the Water Framework Directive
NECR039 |
2010/05/24 |
Comparison of the abundance and distribution of birds along the northern shore of Poole Harbour by day and by night
NECR017 |
2009/09/15 |
Comparison of the effect of time and preservative on the quality of DNA from pitfall traps
NECR453 |
2022/11/17 |
Condition Assessment Monitoring for Reefs, Isles of Scilly European Marine Site - Diving Survey June 2011
NECR104 |
2012/10/22 |
Condition assessment of Thanet Coast Special Area of Conservation
NECR165 |
2015/02/16 |
Conservation of ribbon-leaved water-plantain: Current status, the species recovery programme and future outlook
NECR074 |
2011/07/25 |
Coquet to St Mary’s Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ): A study of a UK Subtidal mud feature (2019)
NECR364 |
2022/04/20 |
Costing the Walking for Health programme
NECR099 |
2012/07/30 |
Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 (Part 1): National Open Access Visitor Survey (2006-2008) - Executive summary
NECR036 |
2011/09/12 |
Defining Irreplaceable Marine Habitats
NECR474 |
2023/02/24 |
Defining Oyster Beds in the Blackwater Estuary
NECR411 |
2023/11/20 |
Definition of the zone of hydrological influence relating to Bostraze Bog, West Penwith, Cornwall. (2018)
NECR339 |
2021/01/15 |
Defra public consultation Wednesday 25 August about beaver reintroduction in England - supporting documents
2021/05/19 |
Densities of qualifying species within Liverpool Bay Bae Lerpwl SPA: 2015 to 2020
NECR440 |
2023/06/14 |
Designing a methodology for surveying fish populations in freshwater lakes
NECR230 |
2017/03/23 |
Designing and applying a method to assess the sensitivities of highly mobile marine species to anthropogenic pressures
NECR213 |
2016/05/25 |
Developing Datasets for Biodiversity 2020: Outcome 1D (Omnicom 24951/ITT455)
NECR214 |
2016/09/13 |
Developing a robust technique to detect populations of endangered native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes, invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci in lotic systems using innovative eDNA approaches
NECR284 |
2019/10/29 |
Developing eDNA techniques for the detection of Segmentina nitida
NECR373 |
2021/09/22 |
Developing sustainable volunteering within the Natural Connections Demonstration Project: A review of evidence
NECR096 |
2012/07/17 |
Development of DNA applications in Natural England 2016/2017
NECR252 |
2018/08/20 |
Development of a Coastal Vegetated Shingle Inventory for England
NECR015 |
2009/09/11 |
Development of a Local Record Centre accreditation system
NECR058 |
2012/07/10 |
Development of a Risk Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Significance of Septic Tanks Around Freshwater SSSIs
NECR222 |
2016/09/02 |
Development of a conservation plan for least water-lily (Nuphar pumila) in England 2017
NECR243 |
2017/12/12 |
Development of a generic framework for informing Cumulative Impact Assessments (CIA) related to Marine Protected Areas through evaluation of best practice
NECR147 |
2014/04/14 |
Development of a risk assessment tool to assess the significance of septic tanks around freshwater SSSIs: Phase 1 – Understanding better the retention of phosphorus in the drainage field
NECR171 |
2015/02/03 |
Development of an eDNA monitoring method for inshore fish populations
NECR330 |
2020/11/09 |
Digital video aerial survey at sea of European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) around the Isles of Scilly in 2015
NECR356 |
2021/05/26 |
Digital video aerial surveys of marine birds and mammals at Solway Firth Special Protection Area (SPA): February 2021
NECR439 |
2022/09/06 |
Digital video aerial surveys of red-throated diver in the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area 2018
NECR260 |
2019/05/17 |
Discussion and recommendations on the future of protected areas in England under climate change
NECR479 |
2023/08/01 |
Disease Risk Analysis for the Conservation Translocation of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) to England
NECR345 |
2021/08/25 |
Disease risk analysis for the reintroduction of the short-haired bumblebee (Bombus subterraneus) to the UK
NECR216 |
2016/09/14 |
Displacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas
NECR241 |
2017/10/17 |
Dover to Deal MCZ 2016 Survey Report
NECR301 |
2021/04/09 |
Dover to Deal Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Characterisation Report 2016
NECR463 |
2022/12/14 |
Dover to Folkestone MCZ 2016 Survey Report
NECR302 |
2021/04/09 |
Dover to Folkestone Marine Conservation Zone 2016 Monitoring Report
NECR365 |
2022/04/20 |
Drigg Coast, Ravenglass Estuary Intertidal Surveys (Lot 1) 2014
NECR408 |
2022/06/16 |
ELM guidance digital media research literature review and behavioural analysis
NECR288 |
2020/06/10 |
Earthworms in England: distribution, abundance and habitats
NECR145 |
2014/04/04 |
Ecohydrological Investigation and Characterisation of three proposed SSSI Units: Boswens North, Bussow Moor and Boswarva North, West Penwith, Cornwall (2019)
NECR349 |
2021/02/09 |
Econets, landscape & people: Integrating people's values and cultural ecosystem services into the design of ecological networks and other landscape change proposals
NECR180 |
2015/05/19 |
Economic valuation of uplands ecosystem services
NECR029 |
2009/11/12 |
Economic, biodiversity, resource protection and social values of orchards: A study of six orchards by the Herefordshire Orchards Community Evaluation Project
NECR090 |
2012/05/04 |
Ecosystem services from Environmental Stewardship that benefit agricultural production
NECR102 |
2012/08/16 |
Edition 1 Logistical research into generating ecosystem benefits from at-sea fish offal
NECR531 |
2024/09/03 |
Embedding an evidence-led, best-practice culture of engagement: learning from the evidence
NECR448 |
2022/08/02 |
Engaging children on the autistic spectrum with the natural environment: Teacher insight study and evidence review
NECR116 |
2013/06/28 |
England’s changing landscapes: A review of landscape change in England from 1940 to 2010
NECR109 |
2013/02/21 |
English Seabird Conservation and Recovery Pathway – Seabird Sensitivity Evidence Review
NECR456 |
2022/11/17 |
Environmental variables for distribution modelling of UK marine megafauna species
NECR447 |
2022/10/25 |
European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus (L.)) Recovery Management Plan for the Solway Firth Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ)
NECR360 |
2021/06/24 |
Evaluating the impacts of limiting free choice in management option selection by Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) applicants
NECR117 |
2013/07/19 |
Evaluation of EU LIFE Fund in the UK
NECR266 |
2019/07/02 |
Evaluation of Management Plan Options in Environmental Stewardship
NECR007 |
2009/05/15 |
Evaluation of genetic diversity and admixture in the only English population of least water-lily (Nuphar pumila)
NECR245 |
2017/12/12 |
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots
NECR254 |
2018/09/10 |
Expanding delivery of care farming services to health and social care commissioners
NECR194 |
2015/08/06 |
Experiencing Landscapes: Capturing the cultural services and experiential qualities of landscape
NECR024 |
2009/10/09 |
Experiencing Landscapes: Towards a judgement-making framework for ‘cultural services’ and ‘experiential qualities’
NECR045 |
2011/12/06 |
Facilitating dynamic and inclusive biodiversity conservation in Britain: An Anthropocene perspective
NECR413 |
2022/07/13 |
Fal & Helford Special Area of Conservation Subtidal Sediment Data Analysis Report 2017
NECR387 |
2022/03/09 |
Falmouth and St.Austell pSPA bird bycatch analysis report year 1 - 2014
NECR231 |
2017/04/20 |
Field testing of eDNA technologies to detect populations of non-native crayfish in Cumbria rivers
NECR326 |
2020/10/14 |
Full baseline Phase 1 and Phase 2 inter-tidal mapping survey of the rocky habitats of Whitsand and Looe Bay MCZ.
RP2935 |
2020/10/07 |
Functional linkage: How areas that are functionally linked to European sites have been considered when they may be affected by plans and projects - a review of authoritative decisions
NECR207 |
2016/02/29 |
Future environmental scenarios for offshore wind expansion
NECR444 |
2022/10/03 |
GenePools: Investigating the life that dwells in garden ponds
NECR454 |
2023/05/30 |
Genetic diversity analysis of beavers (Castor fiber) in England
NECR433 |
2022/08/02 |
Geodiversity Action Plans: The use of indicators in progress reporting
NECR051 |
2010/09/24 |
Geomorphic and Ecohydrological Monitoring and Prioritisation Report
NECR142 |
2014/03/07 |
Global drivers of change to 2060
NECR030 |
2009/11/26 |
Good practice in social prescribing for mental health: the role of nature-based interventions
NECR228 |
2017/01/18 |
Green Bridges: A literature review
NECR181 |
2015/07/27 |
Green Infrastructure – Valuation Tools Assessment
NECR126 |
2013/09/27 |
Green Infrastructure: Mainstreaming the Concept - Understanding and applying the principles of Green Infrastructure in South Worcestershire
NECR079 |
2012/02/03 |
Green space access, green space use, physical activity and overweight
NECR067 |
2011/04/04 |
Greening Dementia - a literature review of the benefits and barriers facing individuals living with dementia in accessing the natural environment and local greenspace
NECR137 |
2013/11/21 |
Guidance on the size and spacing of Marine Protected Areas in England
NECR037 |
2010/05/17 |
Hard Hill experimental plots on Moor House – Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve - A review of the experimental set up
NECR321 |
2020/07/28 |
Hartland Point to Tintagel MCZ 2019 Survey Report
NECR313 |
2021/04/09 |
Healthy Estuaries 2020: An Assessment of Estuary Morphological Equilibrium
NECR250 |
2018/07/23 |
Higher Level Stewardship permissive access evaluation
NECR113 |
2013/06/11 |
Holderness Inshore MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR303 |
2021/04/09 |
Horizon scanning for new invasive non-native animal species in England
NECR009 |
2009/05/22 |
Horizon-scanning for invasive non-native plants in Great Britain
NECR053 |
2011/01/28 |
Identification of Functionally Linked Land supporting Special Protection Areas (SPAs) waterbirds in the North West of England
NECR361 |
2021/10/14 |
Identification of Wintering Wildfowl High Tide Roosts & Recreational Disturbance Impacts on the Taw Torridge Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
NECR281 |
2019/10/01 |
Identification of wintering and passage roosts on functionally linked land of the Severn Estuary - Gloucestershire and Worcestershire (Phase 5)
NECR401 |
2022/11/30 |
Identifying best practice in management of activities on Marine Protected Areas
NECR108 |
2012/12/05 |
Impacts of Ash Dieback Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (Chalara) on priority lichens and potential mitigation options
NECR428 |
2022/09/07 |
Included outside: Evidence synthesis for engaging under-represented groups in nature
NECR427 |
2022/09/06 |
Increasing landscape connectivity: evaluating the risks that this will encourage invasive non-native species
NECR146 |
2014/05/01 |
Increasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change
NECR202 |
2016/11/17 |
Information on Nature Based Solutions as Nutrient Mitigation
NBS2024 |
2024/03/07 |
Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge SAC and Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton SAC Survey Report 2016
NECR315 |
2021/04/09 |
Invertebrate traps and DNA – literature review
NECR423 |
2022/05/06 |
Investigating effects of shipping on common scoter and red-throated diver distributions in Liverpool Bay Special Protection Area (SPA)
NECR425 |
2022/10/11 |
Investigating the Impacts of Marine Invasive Non-Native Species
NECR223 |
2016/09/14 |
Investigating the impacts of windfarm development on peatlands in England
NECR032 |
2010/01/08 |
Investigation of the impact of changes in pesticide use on invertebrate populations
NECR182 |
2016/09/16 |
Is it nice outside? - Consulting people living with dementia and their carers about engaging with the natural environment
NECR211 |
2016/03/11 |
Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review
NECR110 |
2013/03/01 |
Isles of Scilly Complex SAC: Reef Feature Condition Assessment - Kelp forest communities and vertical rock: 2013 baseline dive survey
NECR160 |
2014/11/11 |
Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation Subtidal Sediment Data Analysis Report 2017
NECR422 |
2022/03/09 |
Isles of Scilly eelgrass bed voluntary monitoring programme: 2014 Annual Survey
NECR178 |
2015/02/27 |
Isles of Scilly seagrass mapping
NECR087 |
2011/08/09 |
JP060 Edition 1 Developing Social Science Resources Report
JP060 |
2024/09/03 |
Kaleidoscope: Improving support for black, Asian and ethnic communities to access services from the natural environment and heritage sectors
NECR127 |
2013/09/05 |
Kingmere MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR304 |
2021/04/09 |
LIFE Recreation - ReMEDIES River Medina and Osborne Bay, Isle of Wight Subtidal Seagrass Surveys 2020
NECR372 |
2021/06/29 |
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Advanced Mooring Systems Modelling: Project Summary Report
NECR424 |
2022/05/06 |
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Behaviour Change Project: Understanding the behavioural context
NECR371 |
2021/12/17 |
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES – Isles of Scilly Seagrass Survey (2020)
NECR358 |
2021/05/26 |
Latchmore Brook Restoration Options Appraisal
NECR143 |
2014/03/07 |
Learning in the Natural Environment: Review of social and economic benefits and barriers
NECR092 |
2012/05/10 |
Lichen survey of Pixton Park Surrounds and the attempted transplantation of Fuscopannaria mediterranea 2018
NECR384 |
2022/03/29 |
Lichen survey of Pixton Park, Exmoor Somerset 2017
NECR383 |
2022/03/29 |
Listening to young people’s views of the coast: Living Coast Youth Voice
NECR264 |
2019/09/27 |
Literature review and analysis of the effectiveness of mitigation measures to address environmental impacts of linear transport infrastructure on protected species and habitats
NECR132 |
2013/11/12 |
Living Coast: Understanding Local Perspectives and Values of the Coast using Community Voice Method in Portsmouth and on the Durham Heritage Coast
NECR282 |
2019/09/24 |
Local Record Centres Business Model Review
NECR057 |
2010/12/07 |
Local Records Centre Accreditation Implementation
NECR093 |
2012/07/10 |
Long term effectiveness of Environmental Stewardship in conserving upland hay meadows in the Pennine Dales
NECR138 |
2014/06/03 |
Lugg Meadows Vegetation Study
NECR071 |
2011/11/04 |
Lyme Bay - A case study: Response of the benthos to the zoned exclusion of towed demersal fishing gear in Lyme Bay; 5 years after the closure
NECR219 |
2016/09/15 |
Lyme Bay - A case study: Response of the benthos to the zoned exclusion of towed demersal fishing gear in Lyme Bay; 6 years after the closure
NECR220 |
2016/09/15 |
Lyme Bay - A case study: Response of the benthos to the zones exclusion of towed demersal fishing gear in Lyme Bay; 4 years after closure
NECR218 |
2016/09/15 |
NECR298 |
2020/06/11 |
MSFD Sponge and Anthozoan Indicator Trial Lyme Bay 2017 & 2018
NECR296 |
2020/06/11 |
Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (Formerly Ecosystem Services Transfer Toolkit NECR159)
JP033 |
2020/08/26 |
Managing marine recreational activities: a review of evidence
NECR242 |
2017/11/27 |
Managing soil biota to deliver ecosystem services
NECR100 |
2012/10/04 |
Mapping the status of upland peat using aerial photographs
NECR089 |
2012/02/21 |
Marine birds: vision-based wind turbine collision mitigation
NECR432 |
2022/10/06 |
Marine ecosystem services
NECR088 |
2012/02/08 |
Measuring the extent to which greenhouse gas emission savings achieved by Environmental Stewardship are displaced on-farm
NECR121 |
2013/09/09 |
Medway Estuary MCZ 2019 Subtidal Survey Report
NECR305 |
2021/04/09 |
Meeting the MPA Network Principle of Viability: Feature specific recommendations for species and habitats of conservation importance
NECR043 |
2010/06/11 |
Mersey Estuary Saltmarsh Survey 2016
NECR247 |
2018/01/18 |
Mersey Narrows and North Wirral Foreshore Sites of Special Scientific Interest - Investigation into the impacts of Recreational Disturbance on Bird Declines
NECR201 |
2015/11/18 |
Meta-analysis of eDNA metabarcoding data from UK lakes optimising species detection probability and sampling effort
NECR325 |
2020/11/13 |
Modelling potential areas for Seagrass restoration within Plymouth Sound & Estuaries SAC and Solent Maritime SAC as part of the LIFE fund Recreation ReMEDIES project, 2020
NECR430 |
2022/07/01 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - The national survey on people and the natural environment - Visits to coastal England
NECR226 |
2016/10/24 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE): Attitudes towards the natural environment - Findings of additional survey analysis
NECR055 |
2011/05/26 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE): Comparison of MENE and England Leisure Visits Survey 2005
NECR056 |
2011/01/11 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment Survey: developing a method to measure nature connection across the English population (adults and children)
NECR233 |
2017/06/22 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey (2009 - 2012): Visit taking in the South Pennines
NECR150 |
2014/05/16 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: a pilot to develop an indicator of visits to the natural environment by children
NECR208 |
2016/02/10 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Analysis of expenditure during visits
NECR177 |
2015/02/24 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2009-10 survey
NECR049 |
2010/09/06 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2010-11 survey
NECR083 |
2011/07/07 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2011-12 survey
NECR094 |
2012/07/03 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2009-10 survey)
NECR050 |
2010/09/06 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2010-11 survey)
NECR084 |
2011/06/30 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2011-12 survey)
NECR095 |
2012/07/03 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Wellbeing and the natural environment
NECR129 |
2013/10/04 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment: Annual report from the 2012 - 2013 survey
NECR122 |
2013/07/30 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment: Technical Report from the 2012 - 2013 survey
NECR123 |
2013/07/30 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: a pilot for an indicator of visits to the natural environment by children - interim findings from Year 1 (March 2013 to February 2014)
NECR166 |
2015/01/13 |
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: exploring the relationship between visit frequency and attitudes towards the natural environment
NECR232 |
2017/06/22 |
Monitoring Intertidal Sandflats of the Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation: Survey of the Infaunal Organisms of St. Martin’s Sedimentary Shore, September 2009
NECR042 |
2010/06/15 |
Monitoring and modelling ecosystem services: A scoping study for the ecosystem services pilots
NECR073 |
2011/12/01 |
Monitoring grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pupping sites in Cornwall 2016
NECR262 |
2020/02/19 |
Monitoring grey seal Halichoerus grypus pupping sites in Cornwall 2019-2020
NECR322 |
2020/11/18 |
Monitoring grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Isles of Scilly during the 2010 pupping season (August to December 2010)
NECR103 |
2012/10/22 |
Monitoring of Lamprey in the Solway Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 2015
NECR409 |
2022/04/27 |
Monitoring the Impacts of Entry Level Stewardship
NECR133 |
2013/12/13 |
Monitoring the outcomes of Higher Level Stewardship: Results of a 3-year agreement monitoring programme
NECR114 |
2013/08/12 |
Morecambe Bay SAC Intertidal Reef Surveys 2015: Final Report
NECR395 |
2021/11/17 |
Morecambe Bay SAC Subtidal Cobble and Boulder Skear Communities Drop-down Video Survey
NECR394 |
2021/11/17 |
Mounts Bay Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Characterisation Report 2016
NECR366 |
2022/04/20 |
NECR460 Edition 1 Scoping object-based change detection for Living England
NECR460 |
2023/11/13 |
NECR465 Edition 1 Assemblage composition in key habitats of Marine Protected Areas
NECR465 |
2023/11/13 |
NECR467 Ecologically connected network think piece
NECR467 |
2023/08/01 |
NECR468 Edition 1 Bayesian occupancy models for populations of crawfish Palinus elephas
NECR468 |
2023/11/24 |
NECR469 Tilbury Fort Marshes Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey Report 2022
NECR469 |
2023/08/02 |
NECR471 Edition 1 Breeding Bird Survey of Trowbridge Woods
NECR471 |
2024/09/02 |
NECR472 North Thames Estuary and Marshes Breeding Birds report
NECR472 |
2023/08/02 |
NECR477 Audit review and prioritisation for marine invasive non-native species biosecurity planning in England
NECR477 |
2023/08/24 |
NECR481 Edition 1 Seagrass in the Stour Orwell and Blackwater 2020-21
NECR481 |
2024/04/10 |
NECR482 edition 1 Lundy Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Monitoring Report 2017
NECR482 |
2024/04/10 |
NECR483 Edition 1 Identification of Functionally Linked Land in the North West of England – Phase 2
NECR483 |
2023/11/17 |
NECR484 Edition 1 Three Wildfires in England
NECR484 |
2023/11/14 |
NECR485 Edition 1 Biodiversity targets and whole biodiversity assemblage monitoring for SSSI
NECR485 |
2023/08/31 |
NECR489 The Impact of Conservation Grazing on GHG emissions
NECR489 |
2024/02/19 |
NECR490 Agricultural Ponds Review TEP Report
NECR490 |
2023/09/13 |
NECR492 Edition 1 Isles of Scilly Seagrass – State of the Meadows 2023
NECR492 |
2024/08/09 |
NECR494 North Thames Estuary and Marshes Vascular Plant and Charophyte Survey 2022
NECR494 |
2023/10/23 |
NECR497 UK Barcode of Life: 2023 project update
NECR497 |
2023/08/03 |
NECR498 Edition 1 Peak District National Park Wildfire Risk Assessment Review
NECR498 |
2024/05/07 |
NECR499 Edition 1 Informing nature recovery in England by analysing “bottlenecks” in broad habitats
NECR499 |
2024/04/26 |
NECR500 People and Nature Survey Analysis 2023
NECR500 |
2023/09/07 |
NECR501 Edition 1 Assessment of environmental impacts of proposed floating offshore wind design envelope
NECR501 |
2024/06/03 |
NECR503 eDNA monitoring of restoration effects on the River Severn (Phase II) Unlocking the Severn LIFE project
NECR503 |
2024/03/05 |
NECR505 Edition 1 Offshore Demonstration Site Demand and Feasibility Study
NECR505 |
2024/06/03 |
NECR508 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Advanced Mooring Systems worldwide
NECR508 |
2024/01/09 |
NECR512 Consideration of avoidance behaviour of northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in collision risk modelling for offshore wind farm impact assessments
NECR512 |
2023/09/25 |
NECR516 Developing eDNA approaches for the detection of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) on the River Wyre
NECR516 |
2024/01/18 |
NECR517 Edition 1 Literature Review - Wild take and the cultural traditions of falconry
NECR517 |
2025/03/06 |
NECR518 Edition 1 Isles of Scilly Eelgrass Bed Voluntary Monitoring Programme 2021 Annual Survey
NECR518 |
2024/04/17 |
NECR519 Edition 1 Wild take review stakeholder workshops - summary report
NECR519 |
2025/03/06 |
NECR520 Art in Support of Changing Coastal Environment
NECR520 |
2023/12/19 |
NECR521 Edition 1 Genetic analysis of Zostera sp. samples from the East of England. A regional case-study of the genetic diversity of Zostera sp. across the UK
NECR521 |
2024/04/04 |
NECR522 An assessment of dwarf eelgrass (Zostera noltii) water quality nutrients
NECR522 |
2024/01/23 |
NECR523 Forming a Young Advisory Group for Natural England’s Children’s People and Nature Survey (C-PANS)
NECR523 |
2024/02/14 |
NECR524 Taxonomic composition and recording of priority habitat maerl using citizen science data
NECR524 |
2024/01/19 |
NECR525 Solent Maritime SAC Subtidal Seagrass Condition Monitoring
NECR525 |
2024/03/05 |
NECR526 Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ 2022 Imagery Analysis
NECR526 |
2024/03/06 |
NECR527 Edition 1 Testing the validity of using eDNA for carbon origin analysis from sediment cores
NECR527 |
2024/09/04 |
NECR528 Edition 1 A Review of the Current Methods Used to Estimate the Macroalgal Standing Stock in England and Wales
NECR528 |
2024/08/09 |
NECR529 National Vegetation Survey of Quarry Hangers SSSI and Quarry Dean Meadows
NECR529 |
2024/04/15 |
NECR530 Edition 1 North Thames Estuary & Marshes Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Survey Report 2022
NECR530 |
2024/04/05 |
NECR532 Lands End and Cape Bank SAC 2018 Monitoring Report
NECR532 |
2024/02/22 |
NECR533 Lizard Point Special Area of Conservation - Condition Monitoring Survey 2017
NECR533 |
2024/02/27 |
NECR538 Evidence Base Development for Nature-Based Nutrient Mitigation Solutions – Literature Review
NECR538 |
2024/03/07 |
NECR539 Information on How to Deliver and Assess Agroforestry for Nutrient Mitigation
NECR539 |
2024/03/07 |
NECR540 Revised DRA for the Conservation Translocation of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) to England
NECR540 |
2024/01/16 |
NECR541 Information on How to Deliver and Assess Riparian Buffer Strips for Nutrient Mitigation
NECR541 |
2024/03/07 |
NECR542 Information on How to Deliver and Assess River Channel Re-Naturalisation for Nutrient Mitigation
NECR542 |
2024/03/07 |
NECR545 Information on How to Deliver and Assess Engineered Logjams for Nutrient Mitigation
NECR545 |
2024/03/07 |
NECR548 Edition 1 Assessment of wild living beaver populations on the River Exe and River Taw
NECR548 |
2024/05/16 |
NECR552 Solent and Isle of Wight intertidal seagrass survey 2023
NECR552 |
2024/08/15 |
NECR554 Edition 1 eDNA detection of Cipangopaludina chinensis in the UK, 2022
NECR554 |
2024/08/08 |
NECR555 Edition 1 Chinese mystery snail, Cipangopaludina chinensis, phylogenetic analysis and barcoding
NECR555 |
2024/08/08 |
NECR556 Edition 1 Feasibility study for the biocontrol of Elodea nuttallii and E. canadensis
NECR556 |
2024/08/08 |
NECR557 Edition 1 Assessment of natural enemies for Carpobrotus edulis biocontrol
NECR557 |
2024/08/08 |
NECR558 Edition 1 The Bernwood population of Bechstein's Bats
NECR558 |
2024/05/31 |
NECR559 Edition 1 Assessment of wild living beaver populations in East Kent
NECR559 |
2024/05/21 |
NECR560 Edition 1 Selsey Bill and the Hounds MCZ Drop-Down Camera and Grab Surveys 2023
NECR560 |
2024/09/06 |
NECR561 Edition 1 Identifying Social and Cultural Barriers to Nature
NECR561 |
2024/11/18 |
NECR564 Filey to Red Cliff National Vegetation Classification Survey 2021
NECR564 |
2024/08/15 |
NECR565 Flamborough Head Intertidal Survey 2022
NECR565 |
2024/09/10 |
NECR566 Filey to Red Cliff Intertidal Survey 2022
NECR566 |
2024/08/15 |
NECR567 Edition 1 Bridlington to Reighton Sands National Vegetation Classification Survey Report 2021
NECR567 |
2024/08/09 |
NECR568 Edition 1 North Thames Estuary & Marshes Area – Saltmarsh NVC Survey, 2023
NECR568 |
2024/08/09 |
NECR570 Edition 1 Noise Disturbance - Baseline Level Monitoring in the Solent Report
NECR570 |
2024/09/17 |
NECR571 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Mapping of Seafloor Debris in Intertidal Seagrass Solent Maritime SAC
NECR571 |
2024/09/11 |
NECR572 Edition 1 UK Barcode of Life 2024 project
NECR572 |
2024/10/03 |
NECR573 Edition 1 Value of mob grazing to support historic and ecological asset management
NECR573 |
2025/03/25 |
NECR574 Edition 1 Innovations in arable cultivation systems and their impacts on buried heritage assets. A Quick Scoping Review
NECR574 |
2025/03/25 |
NECR575 Edition 1 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Biodiversity Enhancement
NECR575 |
2024/08/27 |
NECR577 Edition 1 North Thames Estuary and Marshes Terrestrial Invertebrate survey 2022
NECR577 |
2024/09/23 |
NECR588 Edition 1 Marine dredging and disposal operations and the risk of marine Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)
NECR588 |
2024/11/28 |
NECR589 Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay SPA Drop Down Video and Acoustic Survey Maerl Mapping - St Austell Bay 2023
NECR589 |
2024/11/14 |
NECR590 Edition 1 Enhanced Drainage Ditch Management: A framework approach for nutrient neutrality
NECR590 |
2025/01/15 |
NECR591 Edition 1 Enhanced Drainage Ditch Management: A framework approach for nutrient neutrality (Annex A)
NECR591 |
2025/01/24 |
NECR600 Edition 1 Considerations for the use of Electric Fencing in Beaver Mitigation
NECR600 |
2025/03/25 |
NECR601 Edition 1 North Thames Estuary and Marshes Vascular Plant Survey 2024
NECR601 |
2024/11/27 |
NECR611 Edition 1 Powellite NE ReMEDIES evaluation
NECR611 |
2025/03/25 |
NEWP32 Transport green corridors: options appraisal and opportunity mapping
NECR168 |
2014/12/15 |
NVC and Condition Assessment Surveys of West Penwith Moor Cornwall (2012)
NECR343 |
2021/02/09 |
NVC and Condition Assessment Surveys, West Penwith Moors, Cornwall (2019)
NECR348 |
2021/02/08 |
National Natural Capital Atlas: Mapping Indicators
NECR285 |
2020/02/13 |
National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Survey 2014: Pixton Park, near Dulverton, Somerset
NECR382 |
2022/03/29 |
Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators for County and City Regions
NECR318 |
2020/07/03 |
Natural Connections Demonstration Project, 2012-2016: Final Report and Analysis of the Key Evaluation Questions
NECR215 |
2016/07/14 |
Natural England publishing standards for commissioned reports
NECR000 |
2020/02/27 |
Natural Leaders: Actions for local environmental leadership
NECR047 |
2010/07/07 |
Nature visuals: Diversity in images of England’s green and natural spaces
NECR375 |
2022/01/14 |
Nettlecombe Park Saproxylic Invertebrate Survey 2019
NECR363 |
2021/07/22 |
Nettlecombe Park Site Condition Assessment for Lichen Interests 2010
NECR362 |
2021/07/22 |
New Forest SSSI Ecohydrological Survey Overview
NECR141 |
2014/03/06 |
New Forest SSSI Geomorphological Survey Overview
NECR140 |
2014/03/06 |
Newquay and The Gannel MCZ 2017 Survey Report
NECR306 |
2021/04/09 |
Newquay and the Gannel Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Monitoring Report 2017
NECR367 |
2022/04/20 |
Non-breeding season populations of seabirds in UK waters: Population sizes for Biologically Defined Minimum Population Scales (BDMPS)
NECR164 |
2015/01/22 |
North Thames Estuary and Marshes – LTC4 area Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey
NECR473 |
2023/05/09 |
Nutrient Neutrality Generic Methodology
NECR459 |
2022/11/24 |
Ocean acidification: the facts
NECR034 |
2009/12/01 |
Offshore monitoring of Annex I reef habitat present within the Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
NECR125 |
2013/09/17 |
Offshore wind farms and birds: incorporating uncertainty in collision risk models: a test of Masden (2015)
NECR237 |
2017/09/28 |
Otter Estuary rMCZ Intertidal Rock and Sediment Verification Survey 2013
NECR354 |
2021/05/07 |
Pacific Oyster survey of the North East Kent European marine sites
NECR016 |
2009/07/28 |
Padstow Bay and Surrounds MCZ 2015 Inshore Survey Report
NECR353 |
2021/04/09 |
Palaeoecological evidence to inform identification of potential climatic change refugia and areas for ecological restoration
NECR163 |
2014/11/21 |
Palinurus elephas (spiny lobster/crawfish/crayfish) in the South-West
NECR297 |
2020/06/11 |
Penwith Farmscoper Report
NECR486 |
2023/06/27 |
Penwith Moors Vascular Plant Survey (2019)
NECR341 |
2021/01/14 |
Phosphorous in Package Treatment Plant effluents
NECR221 |
2016/09/02 |
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: avoidance rate review
NECR196 |
2015/10/06 |
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: collision risk modelling
NECR197 |
2015/10/06 |
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: population model
NECR198 |
2015/10/06 |
Pixton Park Invertebrate Survey 2017
NECR381 |
2022/03/29 |
Pixton Park ancient and veteran tree assessment 2015
NECR379 |
2022/04/04 |
Pixton Park and woods lichen survey, 1987
NECR380 |
2022/03/29 |
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC Littoral Habitats Condition Monitoring 2017
ER17-348 |
2020/04/21 |
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC: subtidal reef communities survey 2017/18
NECR295 |
2020/06/11 |
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation Subtidal Sediment Data Analysis Report 2017
NECR389 |
2022/03/09 |
Population estimates for urban and natural nesting Herring Gull Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus in England
JNCC21_02 |
2021/02/25 |
Potential for joined up marine monitoring and data collection between Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies and industry
NECR115 |
2013/07/15 |
Potential risk of impacts of nitrogen oxides from road traffic on designated nature conservation sites
NECR200 |
2016/02/18 |
Proceedings of the 10th National Heathland Conference: Managing Heathlands in the Face of Climate Change
NECR014 |
2009/07/17 |
Production of a draft modelled marine boundary extension for the Isles of Scilly SPA
NECR259 |
2019/04/02 |
Promoting Green Space in Stoke-on-Trent (ProGreSS)
NECR076 |
2011/09/16 |
Radio Tracking Study of Greater Horseshoe Bats at Dean Hall, Littledean, Cinderford (Second phase - linked to NERR012)
NECR021 |
2009/09/17 |
Re-evaluating the sensitivity of habitats to climate change
NECR478 |
2023/06/05 |
Recent evidence from the Lizard Peninsula for the existence of microrefugia
NECR279 |
2020/01/07 |
Remedial Works for the Catch Dykes at Decoy Carr, Acle
NECR239 |
2017/10/17 |
Remedial Works for the Catch Dykes at Ebb and Flow Marshes
NECR240 |
2017/10/17 |
Report on 2011 Isles of Scilly Zostera marina survey
NECR124 |
2013/09/17 |
Representativity and replication for a coherent network of Marine Protected Areas in England’s territorial waters
NECR018 |
2009/08/03 |
Research on the assessment of risks & opportunities for species in England as a result of climate change
NECR175 |
2015/07/22 |
Results of the 2012/13 visitor survey on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA)
NECR136 |
2014/02/13 |
Review and analysis of changes in waterbird use of the Mersey Estuary SPA, Mersey Narrows & North Wirral Foreshore pSPA and Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA
NECR173 |
2015/05/27 |
Review of Favourable Conservation Status and Birds Directive Article 2 interpretation within the European Union
NECR176 |
2015/03/17 |
Review of literature: how transport’s soft estate has enhanced green infrastructure, ecosystem services, and transport resilience in the EU
NECR169 |
2014/12/15 |
Review of red squirrel conservation activity in northern England
NECR019 |
2009/09/16 |
Review of the evidence for organic pollution thresholds to protect rivers with special designations for wildlife
NECR023 |
2009/10/29 |
Risk-based approach to Remote Electronic Monitoring for English inshore fisheries
NECR437 |
2022/09/07 |
River Eye SSSI: Strategic Restoration Plan
NECR183 |
2015/07/15 |
River Eye SSSI: Strategic Restoration Plan - Technical Report
NECR184 |
2015/07/15 |
River Wensum Restoration Strategy
NECR010 |
2009/06/26 |
Runnel Stone MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR307 |
2021/04/09 |
Runswick Bay MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR308 |
2021/04/09 |
Salcombe to Kingsbridge Estuary SSSI Subtidal Seagrass Surveys 2017-18
NECR355 |
2021/05/06 |
Scenarios compendium
NECR031 |
2011/02/01 |
School Leader and Teacher Insights into Learning Outside the Classroom in Natural Environments
NECR097 |
2012/07/17 |
Scientific research into the effects of access on nature conservation: Part 1: access on foot
NECR012 |
2009/11/03 |
Scientific research into the effects of access on nature conservation: Part 2: access on bicycle and horseback
NECR013 |
2009/06/17 |
Scour and Cable Protection Decommissioning Study
NECR403 |
2022/03/14 |
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC
NECR420 |
2022/10/13 |
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Essex Estuaries SAC
NECR417 |
2022/10/13 |
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Isles of Scilly Complex SAC
NECR419 |
2022/10/13 |
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Solent Maritime SAC
NECR421 |
2022/10/13 |
Seagrass and Maerl Natural Capital Literature Review
NECR416 |
2022/10/13 |
Seagrass condition monitoring in Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC 2018
NECR294 |
2020/06/11 |
Seal Necropsies in England
NECR263 |
2020/02/20 |
Seascape Characterisation around the English Coast (Marine Plan Areas 3 and 4 and Part of Area 6 Pilot Study)
NECR106 |
2012/10/11 |
Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management
NECR378 |
2021/12/16 |
Shell Flat and Lune Deep SAC 2017 Survey Report
NECR351 |
2021/04/09 |
Shell Flat and Lune Deep Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Monitoring Report 2017
NECR368 |
2022/04/20 |
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Economics
NECR415 |
2022/07/13 |
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in England
NECR414 |
2022/07/18 |
Small-scale effects: How the scale of effects has been considered in respect of plans and projects affecting European sites - a review of authoritative decisions
NECR205 |
2016/02/29 |
Social Science in the Natural Environment (SSINE): Moving towards interdisciplinarity
JP045 |
2022/08/02 |
Social and economic benefits of learning in natural environments
NECR442 |
2022/11/24 |
Social dimensions of beaver reintroduction in England: qualitative research pilot
NECR323 |
2021/08/25 |
Solway Firth SAC / Allonby Bay pMCZ Rocky Scar Grounds and Annex I Reef Drop-down Video Survey
NECR391 |
2021/11/16 |
Solway Firth SAC Rocky Scar Ground Community Condition Monitoring 2014
NECR392 |
2021/11/16 |
South Walney Lagoons: Species Composition Monitoring
NECR398 |
2021/11/30 |
Spatial assessment of benthic compensatory habitats for offshore wind farm impacts
NECR443 |
2022/10/05 |
Special Area of Conservation Condition Assessment Monitoring: Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Isles of Scilly during the 2016 pupping season
NECR261 |
2020/02/19 |
Spurn Geomorphological Assessment
NECR255 |
2018/10/04 |
Standards, methodology and protocols for sampling and identification of grassland fungus species
NECR374 |
2021/12/07 |
Stepping Forward - The Stakeholder Working Group on Unrecorded Public Rights of Way: Report to Natural England
NECR035 |
2010/03/25 |
Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ): Subtidal Seagrass Monitoring Survey 2021
NECR449 |
2023/03/09 |
Studland to Portland SAC 2017 Survey Report
NECR352 |
2021/04/09 |
Survey and analysis of vegetation and hydrological change in English dune slack habitats
NECR153 |
2014/08/14 |
Survey of rare lichens West Penwith Moors Cornwall (2013)
NECR334 |
2021/01/15 |
Temporary effects: How the longevity of effects has been considered in respect of plans and projects affecting European sites - a review of authoritative decisions
NECR206 |
2016/02/29 |
Tern verification surveys for marine sites 2015
NECR212 |
2016/05/20 |
Testing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation principles for biodiversity conservation
NECR112 |
2013/03/21 |
Thanet Coast MCZ 2017/18 Survey Report
NECR309 |
2021/04/09 |
Thanet Coast Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Monitoring Report 2017-18
NECR370 |
2022/04/20 |
The Dormouse Reintroduction Programme: A review
NECR144 |
2014/03/20 |
The Messy Challenge of Environmental Justice in the UK: Evolution, Status and Prospects
NECR273 |
2019/07/17 |
The Needles MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR310 |
2021/04/09 |
The Needles Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Monitoring Report 2018
NECR369 |
2022/04/20 |
The aquatic ecological status of the rivers of the Upper Dove Catchment in 2009
NECR046 |
2010/12/17 |
The development of a lowland heathland structured species surveillance partnership and sites network
NECR154 |
2014/09/19 |
The ecological effects of air pollution from road transport: an updated review
NECR199 |
2016/02/18 |
The ecology of grass-wrack pondweed Potamogeton compressus
NECR130 |
2013/10/14 |
The economic and health impacts of walking on English coastal paths: a baseline study for future evaluation
NECR283 |
2019/12/23 |
The economic impact of Natural England’s National Nature Reserves
NECR131 |
2013/10/11 |
The efficacy of DNA sequencing on samples of terrestrial invertebrates 2018/2019
NECR388 |
2022/01/31 |
The feasibility and acceptability of reintroducing the European beaver to England
NECR002 |
2009/03/17 |
The impact of phosphorus inputs from small discharges on designated freshwater sites
NECR170 |
2015/02/03 |
The management of natural coastal carbon sinks
NECR033 |
2009/12/01 |
The regeneration of bryophytes after the burning of dry heath (H12a) and wet heath (M16d) moorland on the North York Moors
NECR011 |
2009/06/22 |
The role of landscape and site scale characteristics in making species populations resilient to climate change and extreme events
NECR149 |
2015/08/10 |
The role of trees outside woodlands in providing habitat and ecological networks for saproxylic invertebrates
NECR225 |
2016/12/01 |
The state of the UK’s long-term experiments
NECR203 |
2015/12/14 |
The status of Habitats Directive Annex I saltmarsh habitats, transition zones and Spartina species in England
NECR185 |
2015/08/18 |
The sustainability of shellfish harvesting and its effects on the reef habitats within the north east Kent European marine sites (inter-tidal)
NECR044 |
2010/06/29 |
The translocation of freshwater pearl mussels: a review of reasons, methods and success and a new protocol for England
NECR229 |
2016/12/16 |
The vegetation of the Severn/Avon Vale Floodplain Meadows
NECR052 |
2010/09/16 |
Torbay MCZ Seagrass Baseline Monitoring: 2019
NECR293 |
2020/06/11 |
Traditional Orchard Project in England: The creation of an inventory to support the UK Habitat Action Plan
NECR077 |
2011/05/05 |
Trends in Pastoral Commoning
NECR001 |
2009/02/12 |
UK Barcode of Life: 2022 project update
NECR457 |
2022/12/14 |
Upland Ecosystems Service: assessing the links between environment, land management and service delivery for 4 key services
NECR028 |
2009/11/12 |
Upland ecosystem services: Phase I
NECR020 |
2010/02/26 |
Upper Teesdale: changes in upland hay meadow vegetation over the past twenty to thirty years - results presented from botanical surveys
NECR139 |
2014/03/07 |
Urban nesting Herring Gull Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus population estimates: devising species-specific correction models for ground-based survey data
JNCC21_01 |
2021/02/25 |
Using Behavioural Insights to Reduce Recreation Impacts on Wildlife: Guidance & Case Studies from Thames Basin Heaths and the Solent
NECR329 |
2021/01/29 |
Using Healthy Estuaries to Provide a Morphological Characterisation of the Dee Estuary and the Estuaries in and Adjacent to Morecambe Bay
NECR396 |
2021/11/17 |
Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives
NECR022 |
2009/10/02 |
Utopia MCZ 2016 Survey Report
NECR311 |
2021/04/09 |
Valuing Ecosystem Services: Case Studies from Lowland England
NECR101 |
2012/08/15 |
Visits to the natural environment in East London: Analysis of data from the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey (2009-2013)
NECR167 |
2015/01/13 |
Walking for Health Attendance Study: An analysis of attendance patterns of Walking for Health participants
NECR098 |
2012/07/30 |
Walking for Health: ‘inactive’ walkers – barriers to participation, and activity substitution
NECR068 |
2011/05/03 |
Waterbird population trend analysis of the Mersey Estuary SPA, Mersey Narrows & North Wirral Foreshore pSPA and Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA
NECR172 |
2015/05/27 |
Watercress growing and its environmental impacts on chalk rivers in England
NECR027 |
2009/10/13 |
West Penwith Ecohydrological Investigation and Characterisation (Phase 3, 2020-21)
NECR399 |
2022/03/22 |
West Penwith Ecohydrological Investigation and Characterisation – Site Visit Report (Phase 3, 2020-21)
NECR402 |
2022/03/22 |
West Penwith Habitat Survey 2013, Hewins Ecology
NECR346 |
2021/02/08 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys 2014, Hewins Ecology
NECR347 |
2021/02/08 |
West Penwith Moors targeted rare insect species survey (2015)
NECR336 |
2021/01/14 |
West Penwith Moors, Cornwall Bryophyte survey (2013)
NECR333 |
2021/01/14 |
West Penwith Moors, Cornwall – Breeding Bird Survey 2014
NECR335 |
2021/01/15 |
West Penwith Moors, Cornwall, Dartford Warbler Survey 2015
NECR338 |
2021/01/15 |
West Penwith Moors, Cornwall. Collation of existing bird data - 2013
NECR337 |
2021/01/15 |
West Penwith Moors, Cornwall: Invertebrate sample survey for Broad and Specific Assemblage Type identification. (2015)
NECR340 |
2021/01/14 |
West of Walney MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR314 |
2021/04/09 |
West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Monitoring Report 2018
NECR464 |
2023/03/02 |
Westward Ho!: Geomorphological Specialist Assessment
NECR317 |
2020/07/08 |
What are the benefits of assisted versus natural recovery?
NECR475 |
2023/02/24 |
What do we know about the birds and habitats of the North Kent Marshes?: Baseline data collation and analysis
NECR082 |
2011/06/20 |
What impact did Walking for Health have on the physical activity levels of participants?
NECR075 |
2012/07/30 |
Whitsand and Looe Bay MCZ 2018 Survey Report
NECR312 |
2021/04/09 |
Whitsand and Looe Bay MCZ and surround subtidal sediment data analysis and reporting (2017)
NECR357 |
2021/05/26 |
Wild Adventure Space: its role in teenagers’ lives
NECR025 |
2010/05/20 |
Wild Take - Natural England Reports, 2025
WT2024 |
2025/03/06 |
Wild beaver population assessment on the River Avon and tributaries
NECR470 |
2023/03/09 |
Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ intertidal baseline survey
NECR553 |
2024/05/22 |
eDNA Detection of Cipangopaludina chinensis in ditch systems at Pevensey Levels, Sussex
NECR410 |
2022/04/29 |