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LTMN Lullington Heath NNR - target habitat calcareous grassland (LTMNB14)

The target habitat for this site is calcareous grassland. We also monitor heathland.

An introduction to the NNR can be found in the NNR leaflet attached below.

Data collected:

Weather Air Quality Vegetation Soil Birds Butterflies
2006 onwards1996-20092011, 2014 & 2018 20111991 onwards1979 onwards

Data available to download:

• Air Quality data can be found on the UKEAP data selector website.

• The vegetation data goes through a full QA process and is available to download below.

Update May 2020: all LTMN vegetation surveys (no. 80 surveys, spanning 2010 – 2019) have been transferred to a new template to provide improvements and consistency, and are now fully Quality Assured and republished.

• Soil data for this site can be found on our LTMN Soils protocol page.

• Butterfly data can be found below – and also see UKBMS website.

We are preparing the weather, bird and land management data and will be publishing it in due course. For any specific queries about our data please get in touch with the LTMN mailbox:

This page is part of Natural England’s Long Term Monitoring Network. Please visit this site to learn more about our protocols, volunteering opportunities and newsletters.

Downloads available for this record

File Uploaded
Long Term Monitoring Network vegetation survey Lullington Heath NNR 2023, XLSX, 1.0 MB 2024/04/30
Long term monitoring network vegetation survey Lullington Heath NNR 2018, XLSX, 899.5 kB 2023/06/15
Long term monitoring network vegetation survey Lullington Heath NNR 2014, XLSX, 1.0 MB 2023/06/15
Long term monitoring network vegetation survey Lullington Heath NNR 2011, XLSX, 947.5 kB 2023/06/15
Long term monitoring network butterfly transect - Lullington Heath UKBMS 1979 - 2019, XLSX, 782.5 kB 2020/11/17


This record relates to the location identified by the marker on the map:

Related Access to Evidence records

Lullington Heath National Nature Reserve; Nature walks (NE362)