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Records for this category

Title Code Published
A review of the evidence on the interactions of beavers with the natural and human environment in relation to England NEER017 2021/08/25
Advice and recommendations for beaver reintroduction, management and licensing in England NEER019 2021/08/25
Beaver Management Groups: Capturing lessons from the River Otter Beaver Trial and River Tamar Catchment NECR434 2022/09/26
Beaver reintroductions in England 2000 - 2021 JP036 2021/08/25
  Defra public consultation Wednesday 25 August about beaver reintroduction in England - supporting documents 2021/05/19
Eurasian beaver disease risk management and post-release health surveillance protocol JP055 2024/05/21
Genetic diversity analysis of beavers (Castor fiber) in England NECR433 2022/08/02
NECR540 Revised DRA for the Conservation Translocation of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) to England NECR540 2024/01/16
NECR548 Edition 1 Assessment of wild living beaver populations on the River Exe and River Taw NECR548 2024/05/16
NECR559 Edition 1 Assessment of wild living beaver populations in East Kent NECR559 2024/05/21
RP04729 Beavers in licensed enclosures - licensees objectives opinions experiences RP04729 2023/07/28
Social dimensions of beaver reintroduction in England: qualitative research pilot NECR323 2021/08/25
The River Otter Beaver Trial: Natural England’s assessment of the trial and advice on the future of the beaver population NEER018 2021/08/25
The feasibility and acceptability of reintroducing the European beaver to England NECR002 2009/03/17
Wild beaver population assessment on the River Avon and tributaries NECR470 2023/03/09