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Species assessments and mitigation

Records for this category

Title Code Published
  An assessment of the efficiency of capture techniques and the value of different habitats for the great crested newt ENRR576 2004/03/19
  An evaluation of the effectiveness of great crested newt mitigation projects in England, 1990 – 2001 ENRR575 2004/04/05
Bats and onshore wind turbines (Interim guidance) TIN051 2012/02/29
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for White-clawed crayfish RP2933 2020/04/14
  Development control, local authorities and protected species surveys ENRR479 2003/07/01
Field assessment of great crested newt Triturus critatus mitigation projects in England NERR001 2007/07/03
  Going, going, gone? the cumulative impact of land development on biodiversity in England ENRR626 2005/02/25
Is the management of Local Wildlife Sites affected by the urban fringe? NERR063 2016/02/08
NECR494 North Thames Estuary and Marshes Vascular Plant and Charophyte Survey 2022 NECR494 2023/10/23
NECR512 Consideration of avoidance behaviour of northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in collision risk modelling for offshore wind farm impact assessments NECR512 2023/09/25
  Proceedings of the Future for Deer Conference 28 & 29 March 2003 ENRR548 2003/08/28
  Reptile mitigation guidelines TIN102 2011/09/09
Review and analysis of changes in waterbird use of the Mersey Estuary SPA, Mersey Narrows & North Wirral Foreshore pSPA and Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA NECR173 2015/05/27