In 2020, Natural England selected statutory biodiversity credit pilots in preparation for mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG). The pilot scheme ran from 2020 to 2023. The lessons learned from these projects are helpful to anyone considering providing BNG on their land.
BNG is expected to become mandatory for the majority of TCPA developers from January 2024, as part of the government’s Environment Act 2021. Where delegated, Natural England plays an important role supporting Defra with advice and delivery design across the piece, for example the public register, statutory biodiversity credit sales and investment.
Developers will need to deliver a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain. This means they must provide 110% of the biodiversity value found on the site prior to their development.
BNG can be delivered either fully or in part via on-site habitat, off-site habitat, or as a last resort, through the purchase of statutory biodiversity credits. Created and enhanced habitat will be legally secured for a minimum of 30 years.
Habitat is used as a proxy for calculating biodiversity.
The documents below support the understanding and delivery of BNG. For the most up-to-date Government guidance, please visit Biodiversity net gain