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Proceedings of the 10th National Heathland Conference: Managing Heathlands in the Face of Climate Change (NECR014)

The biannual National Heathland conferences are arranged through an informal network of heathland managers and researchers as a forum for the sharing and disseminating heathland research and good practice in the UK.

The theme of the 2008 conference was “Managing Heathlands on the Face of Climate Change”. The conference was aimed at those interested in the latest developments in heathland management and science and key themes included:

  • climate change
  • nutrient management
  • fire and management
  • housing and development
  • heathland interpretation.

Natural England hosted this conference and has published these conference papers to:

  • Present the latest research on heathland nutrient budgets, the impacts of climate change on heathland and the effects of human disturbance.
  • Share best practice and practical ideas between heathland managers and researchers.
  • Provide feedback to enhance the development and implementation of policies, such as the Forestry Commission Open Habitats Policy and the Lowland Heathland Habitat Action Plan.

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