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Marine joint publications

Joint publications related to marine and the marine nevironment. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
  Aln Estuary MCZ Factsheet MCZ028 2013/11/21
  Beachy Head West MCZ Factsheet MCZ030 2013/11/21
Benthic survey of reefs East of The Napoli 2007/12/03
  Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne Estuary MCZ Factsheet MCZ029 2013/11/21
  Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges MCZ Factsheet MCZ031 2013/11/21
  Cumbria Coast MCZ Factsheet MCZ032 2013/11/21
  Folkestone Pomerania MCZ Factsheet MCZ033 2013/11/21
  Fylde MCZ Factsheet MCZ038 2013/11/21
  Isles of Scilly MCZ Factsheet MCZ034 2013/11/21
  Isles of Scilly eelgrass bed voluntary monitoring programme: 2017 Annual Survey RP2939 2020/08/17
  Isles of Scilly eelgrass bed voluntary monitoring programme: 2018 Annual Survey RP2940 2020/08/17
JNCC and Natural England’s Advice on recommended Marine Conservation Zones MCZ022 2012/07/19
  JNCC and Natural England’s advice to Defra on Marine Conservation Zones: supplementary advice and information - December 2012 MCZ026 2012/12/13
  Kingmere MCZ Factsheet MCZ035 2013/11/21
  Lundy MCZ Factsheet MCZ036 2013/11/21
  MCZ project guidance and advice protocols MCZ001 2012/01/03
Managing marine recreational activities: a review of evidence NECR242 2017/11/27
Marine Recreation Evidence Briefing notes - windsurfing and kitesurfing EIN025 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised personal watercraft EIN026 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised watercraft (powerboating and sailing with an engine) EIN027 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Non-motorised watercraft including paddlesports EIN028 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Surfing EIN029 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Wildlife watching EIN030 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: coasteering EIN037 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: diving and snorkelling EIN036 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: drones EIN035 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: general beach life EIN034 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: hovercraft EIN031 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: light aircraft EIN032 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: motorised and non-motorised land vehicles EIN033 2017/11/27
  Medway Estuary MCZ Factsheet MCZ037 2013/11/21
PISCO-The Science of Marine Reserves PISCO 2011/01/01
  Padstow Bay and Surrounds MCZ Factsheet MCZ039 2013/11/21
  Pagham Harbour MCZ Factsheet MCZ040 2013/11/21
  Poole Rocks MCZ Factsheet MCZ041 2013/11/21
Post-mortem analysis of bird corpses from the grounding of the MSC Napoli 2007/03/30
  Regional MCZ project Impact Assessment materials MCZ024 2012/07/19
  Regional MCZ project final report: Balanced Seas MCZ002 2012/01/12
  Regional MCZ project final report: Finding Sanctuary MCZ005 2011/09/07
  Regional MCZ project final report: Irish Sea Conservation Zones MCZ003 2011/08/31
  Regional MCZ project final report: Net Gain MCZ004 2011/09/08
Seasearch surveys in Lyme Bay 2007/08/16
  Skerries Bank and Surrounds MCZ Factsheet MCZ042 2013/11/21
  South Dorset MCZ Factsheet MCZ043 2013/11/21
Summary of Natural England’s confirmed advice provided to Defra on Marine Conservation Zones to be considered for consultation in 2018 JP026 2018/06/08
  Tamar Estuary Sites MCZ Factsheet MCZ044 2013/11/21
  Thanet Coast MCZ Factsheet MCZ045 2013/11/21
  The MCZ Advice Package fact sheets MCZ023 2012/07/19
  The Manacles MCZ Factsheet MCZ046 2013/11/21
  Torbay MCZ Factsheet MCZ047 2013/11/21
  Upper Fowey and Pont Pill MCZ Factsheet MCZ049 2013/11/21
Using the Interim PCoD framework to assess the potential impacts of offshore wind developments in Eastern English Waters on harbour porpoises in the North Sea JP024 2017/06/12
  Whitsand and Looe Bay MCZ Factsheet MCZ048 2013/11/21