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Management and restoration plans

Plans for habitat management, restoration and enhancement. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A restoration management plan for Hatchet Pond in the New Forest NECR328 2020/06/15
Bowes Moor SSSI Site Restoration Plan January 2018 to December 2028 MRP006 2018/09/28
College Valley Estate Moorland Vegetation Management Plan MRP014 2019/01/09
Crag Estate Moorland Agreement April 2017-April 2023 MRP004 2018/09/28
Geomorphic and Ecohydrological Monitoring and Prioritisation Report NECR142 2014/03/07
Latchmore Brook Restoration Options Appraisal NECR143 2014/03/07
NC44 Edition 1 Marine recovery and restoration practice - Place-based decision-making NC44 2024/08/09
NECR590 Edition 1 Enhanced Drainage Ditch Management: A framework approach for nutrient neutrality NECR590 2025/01/15
NEER028 Edition 1 The Impacts of Vegetation Cutting on Peatlands and Heathlands NEER028 2023/11/16
NERR148 Edition 1 New Forest SAC Management Plan Version II NERR148 2025/03/24
National Trust High Peak Estate - Alport Moor MRP007 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Ashop Moor MRP008 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Birchinlee Moor MRP009 2018/10/02
National Trust High Peak Estate - Derwent and Howden Moor MRP010 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - East Crowden Moor MRP011 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - Nether Moor MRP012 2018/10/03
National Trust High Peak Estate - Ronksley Moor MRP013 2018/10/03
New Forest SSSI Ecohydrological Survey Overview NECR141 2014/03/06
New Forest SSSI Geomorphological Survey Overview NECR140 2014/03/06
  North Norfolk Coast/Coast Habitat Management Plan 2003 G5472 2003/01/31
RP04729 Beavers in licensed enclosures - licensees objectives opinions experiences RP04729 2023/07/28
Restoration scheme for Bolton Fell Moss MRP001 2013/09/30
TIN227 Edition 1 Lessons from evaluating behaviour change interventions - A case study of the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project TIN227 2025/03/25
  Walshaw Moor Estate Catchment Restoration 2017-2042 Plan MRP002 2018/02/12
Wemmergill Moor Limited Management Agreement 2017-2042 MRP003 2018/10/02