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Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex J Impacts that arise from more than one rMCZ (MCZ016)

Annex J – Impacts that arise from more than one rMCZ:

J1. Additional concerns about impacts of rMCZs on aggregate extraction, oil and gas-related activities, renewable energy and ports, harbours and shipping:
J1a. Additional concerns raised by the British Marine Aggregate Producers Association and The Crown Estate about the impacts of rMCZs on aggregate extraction
J1b. Additional concerns raised by Oil and Gas UK and the Carbon Capture and Storage Association about the impacts of rMCZs
J1c. Additional concerns raised by renewable energy developers about the impacts of rMCZs
J1d. Additional concerns raised by port and harbour operators about impacts of rMCZs

J2. Costs of MCZ verification, baseline setting and monitoring surveys

J3. Qualitative impacts on commercial fisheries that arise from more than one rMCZ:
J3a. Qualitative impacts on commercial fisheries arising from the suite of rMCZs in the Balanced Seas Project Area
J3b. Qualitative impacts on commercial fisheries arising from groups of rMCZs in the Finding Sanctuary Project Area.
J3c. Qualitative impacts on commercial fisheries arising from groups of rMCZs in the Irish Seas Conservation Zones Project Area
J3d. Qualitative impacts on commercial fisheries arising from the suite of rMCZs in the Net Gain Project Area

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Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J3d - NG, PDF, 283.1 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J3c - ISCZ, PDF, 175.2 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J3b - FS, PDF, 184.7 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J2 - All regions, PDF, 268.7 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J1d - All regions, PDF, 91.7 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J1c - ISCZ, PDF, 126.2 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J1b - All regions, PDF, 169.8 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J1a - All regions, PDF, 94.0 kB 2012/07/18
Regional MCZ Projects IA materials: Annex J 3a, PDF, 1.0 MB 2012/07/17

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