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Regional MCZ project Impact Assessment materials (MCZ024)

The regional MCZ project Impact Assessment materials have been produced by Finding Sanctuary, Balanced Seas, NetGain and Irish Seas Conservation Zones and are available to download. These documents were submitted to Defra alongside the regional MCZ project final recommendation reports and JNCC and Natural England’s Advice on the Marine Conservation Zone recommendations as part of the MCZ Advice Package on 18th July 2012. For further information on the MCZ Advice package please visit either the JNCC website or the Natural England website.

Related Access to Evidence records

Regional MCZ Projects’ Impact Assessment materials: Summary; Title page; Evidence Base; Annex A - Abbreviations and Acronyms (MCZ007)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex B recommended MCZ features (MCZ008)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex C Summary of activities in or near each rMCZ (MCZ009)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex D Description at a national scale of sectors impacted on by MCZs (MCZ010)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex E Existing local fisheries and recreation management (MCZ011)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex F Regional Summary (MCZ012)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex G Advice on the impacts of MCZs on marine licence proposals (MCZ013)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex H Approach for assessing impacts (MCZ014)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex I Impacts of individual rMCZs (MCZ015)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex J Impacts that arise from more than one rMCZ (MCZ016)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex K - Best estimates of costs and benefits for each rMCZ and each regional MCZ project area (MCZ017)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex L - Benefits of MCZs: a review of the evidence (MCZ018)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex M - Stakeholder engagement in the Impact Assessment process (MCZ019)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex N - Calculation of costs of impacts of rMCZs on each sector and total combined costs (MCZ020)
Regional MCZ Projects Impact Assessment materials: Annex O - Quality Assurance of the IA material (MCZ021)