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LTMN North Walney NNR - primary habitat sand dune (LTMNB42)

The primary habitat at this site is sand dune. We also monitor saltmarsh.

An introduction to the NNR can be found in the NNR leaflet attached below.

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Data collected:

Weather Air Quality Vegetation Soil Birds Butterflies
2013 – 2023 2023 onwards 2015 & 202020152014 – 20232007 – 2010

• See UKAir for air quality data.
• Vegetation data: permanent plot numbers and locations should be consistent between surveys, for each site. At the time of survey, for any previously installed feno markers that could not be found, a new feno marker was installed at the same GPS coordinates and the plot number changed from e.g. ‘2’ to ‘2a’. This is less likely since the start of high accuracy GPS unit use. Species data are consistent with the taxonomy at the time of collection and are not consistent over time; see the data on the Vegetation Data page for taxonomically consistent data.
• See LTMN Soils Data page for soil data.
• See also LTMN Butterfly Data page for compiled butterfly data.
• Bird and weather data are no longer collected as part of LTMN but may still be collected. Please email us ( for further information.

This page is part of Natural England’s Long Term Monitoring Network.

Downloads available for this record

File Uploaded
Long term monitoring network vegetation survey North Walney NNR 2020, XLSX, 496.7 kB 2023/06/16
Long term monitoring network vegetation survey North Walney NNR 2015, XLSX, 683.5 kB 2023/06/16
Long term monitoring network butterfly transect - North Walney NNR UKBMS 2007 - 2010, XLSX, 396.7 kB 2020/10/13


This record relates to the location identified by the marker on the map:

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