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Review of Agricultural Land Take to Development (NECR578)

Most of our land area is in agricultural use. How this important natural resource is used is vital to sustainable development. This includes taking the right decisions about protecting it from inappropriate development.

This report presents evidence on the amount of agricultural land take occurring as a result of development, exploring the extent to which the current planning framework has protected Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land in England over the period 2013 – 2022. This has been achieved by quantifying spatially and temporally the loss of agricultural land to development, and reviewing the weight given to BMV land by Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) and Planning Inspectors through interviews and case studies.

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NECR578 Review of Agricultural Land Take to Development, PDF, 4.7 MB 2025/01/29
NECR578 Review of Agricultural Land Take to Development - Appendices B-E, PDF, 1.0 MB 2025/01/29