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A review of the beetles of Great Britain: The Darkling Beetles and their allies (NECR148)

This report was commissioned to update the threat status of beetles from the named families from work originally undertaken in 1987, 1992 and 1994 respectively using the IUCN methodology for assessing threat. Aderidae, Anthicidae, Colydiidae, Melandryidae, Meloidae, Mordellidae, Mycetophagidae, Mycteridae, Oedemeridae, Pyrochroidae, Pythidae, Ripiphoridae, Salpingidae, Scraptiidae, Tenebrionidae & Tetratomidae (Tenebrionoidea less Ciidae).

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NECR148 edition 2 - A review of the beetles of Great Britain: The Darkling Beetles and their allies, PDF, 892.3 kB 2015/02/12
NECR148 edition 2 - A review of the beetles of Great Britain: The Darkling Beetles and their allies - data table, XLSX, 68.6 kB 2015/02/12

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