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NERR133 BER Bat Monitoring and Evaluation Report - Assessment and Accreditation and Licensing (NERR133)

Based on interim evaluation, in June 2022 internal approval was given to move Bat Earned Recognition (BER) to Beta phase (‘Beta’), as a step between the Pilot and potential roll-out. This Bat Earned Recognition Beta Monitoring and Evaluation Report – Assessment and Accreditation and Licensing, which is predominantly aimed at the Partners, Defra, the Beta Assessors and Moderator, applicant bat consultants, Natural England licensing reform teams and the Bat Expert Panel, delivers an evaluation of Beta.

The Pilot evaluation report and Addendum (evaluating additional site registration data) are available on Natural England’s Access to Evidence catalogue.

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NERR133 Edition 1 BER Beta Monitoring and Evaluation Report - Assessment and Accreditation and Licensing, PDF, 1.8 MB 2024/01/09

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