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Natural England Research Reports

Research and monitoring reports written by Natural England staff Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley: An exploration of natural capital accounting for County and City Regions NERR096 2021/09/10
A Natural Capital Strategy for North Devon NERR083 2020/05/21
A Review of the Environmental Capital Approach in the New Approach to Transport Appraisal NERR016 2008/11/25
A narrative for conserving freshwater and wetland habitats in England NERR064 2016/03/18
A review of the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) survey NERR058 2014/06/30
A review of the ornithological interest of SSSIs in England NERR015 2008/07/31
A review of the revision of the Ancient Woodland Inventory in the South East NERR042 2011/08/04
Accounting for National Nature Reserves: A Natural Capital Account of the National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England NERR078 2019/02/21
Agreement holder participation in the self-assessment of Higher Level Stewardship agreements NERR048 2013/08/06
Agri-Environment Evidence Annual Report 2018/19 NERR085 2020/10/01
  Agri-Environment Evidence Annual Report 2021 NERR104 2021/11/23
Agri-Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Annual Report 2016/17 NERR074 2018/05/09
Agri-Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Annual Report 2017/18 - A summary of findings from recently published projects NERR079 2019/08/01
Agri-environment evidence annual report 2022 NERR126 2023/02/09
An assessment of evidence supporting a programme of wetland restoration projects in the New Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest NERR066 2016/11/08
An assessment of evidence supporting a programme of wetland restoration projects in the New Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest: Assurance Report NERR067 2016/11/08
An evidence base for setting flow targets to protect river habitat NERR035 2011/01/10
An evidence base for setting nutrient targets to protect river habitat NERR034 2010/11/11
Applying a Natural Capital Approach in Practice: Lessons Learned from the North Devon Landscape Pioneer NERR089 2021/01/28
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England's landscapes: South East Northumberland NERR045 2013/06/27
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: Humberhead Levels NERR050 2013/08/16
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: North Kent NERR052 2013/11/05
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: Sherwood NERR049 2013/08/16
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: the South Downs National Park NERR051 2013/09/02
Assessing the potential for mapping ecosystem services in England based on existing habitats NERR056 2014/09/05
Baseline vegetation validation (site checks) surveys, 2019 NERR091 2021/02/15
Bat Earned Recognition Monitoring and Evaluation Report NERR128 2022/11/28
Biodiversity studies of six traditional orchards in England NERR025 2009/04/23
Botanical Heatmaps and the Botanical Value Map: Technical Report NERR110 2022/06/09
Carbon Management by Land and Marine Managers NERR026 2008/11/27
Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Habitat 2021 NERR094 2021/04/20
Carbon storage by habitat: Review of the evidence of the impacts of management decisions and condition of carbon stores and sources NERR043 2012/05/29
Children and the natural environment: experiences, influences and interventions - Summary NERR040 2011/03/24
Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features NERR090 2021/02/23
Core reef approach to Sabellaria spinulosa reef management in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC and The Wash approaches NERR065 2016/05/16
Crop Wild Relatives: Plant conservation for food security NERR037 2011/01/25
Current Marine and Coastal Issues for North East Kent: Proceedings of the third North East Kent Coastal Conference 9 November 2006 NERR029 2008/12/19
Delivering the ecosystem approach on the ground – an evaluation of the upland ecosystem service pilots NERR046 2012/12/07
Developing a measure of High Nature Value Farmland (HNVF) for the Rural Development Programme for England NERR068 NERR068 2017/06/19
Development of guideline sediment targets to support management of sediment inputs into aquatic systems NERR008 2008/04/07
  Distribution and Extent of Zostera beds: Roa Island and Foulney Island NERR103 2021/11/30
England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database NERR105 2021/12/07
England’s Natural Environment in 2060 – issues, implications and scenarios NERR031 2009/11/26
Environmental impacts of land management NERR030 2009/09/22
European Marine Site Risk Review NERR038 2010/11/22
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots: Bassenthwaite NERR077 2018/09/10
Field assessment of great crested newt Triturus critatus mitigation projects in England NERR001 2007/07/03
Financial Mapping in the North Devon Landscape Pioneer NECR344 2021/02/25
Framework for monitoring environmental outcomes in protected landscapes NERR055 2014/03/31
Freshwater Non-native Species Management Initiatives: Pilot Project NERR023 2008/12/08
Generating more integrated biodiversity objectives – rationale, principles and practice NERR071 2018/03/29
Geomorphological assessment of riverine SSSIs for the strategic planning of physical restoration NERR013 2008/07/29
Good practice in sustainable leisure travel: Twenty case studies NERR021 2008/10/06
Green Exercise Programme Evaluation NERR039 2011/03/29
Habitat mapping and monitoring of allis shad on the River Tamar NERR1947 2020/11/03
Human impacts on Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ: Chalk complexity and population dynamics of commercial crustaceans NERR04412 2020/10/27
Impact of heathland restoration and re-creation techniques on soil characteristics and the historical environment NERR010 2008/03/28
Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS) Programme Scoping: identifying key issues affecting Natura 2000 sites and priorities for the IPENS project NERR053 2013/12/19
Integrated Site Assessments 2013/14: A report on Natural England’s assessments of Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Higher Level Stewardship agreement NERR061 2015/10/09
Investigating the potential increase in health costs due to a decline in access to greenspace: an exploratory study NERR062 2016/02/23
Investigations into the use of critical sediment yields for assessing and managing fine sediment inputs into freshwater ecosystems NERR007 2008/04/07
Is Corporate Natural Capital Accounting appropriate for monitoring nature reserves? An assessment for National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England NERR072 2017/10/30
Is the management of Local Wildlife Sites affected by the urban fringe? NERR063 2016/02/08
Isles of Scilly SAC: Intertidal Under-Boulder Communities Survey 2011 NERR059 2014/11/11
Less management prescription, more outcome focus - Making Environmental Stewardship More Effective (MESME) trialling project NERR047 2013/07/29
Living England: Satellite-based habitat classification- Technical User Guide NERR108 2022/03/31
Local Geodiversity Action Plans: a review of progress NERR027 2008/12/19
Managing for species: Integrating the needs of England’s priority species into habitat management NERR024 2010/01/15
Maritime cliff and slope inventory 2004/2005 NERR003 2007/11/05
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment - review NERR033 2012/03/01
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) NERR057 2014/06/09
NECR491 Comparison of manual filtration methods for on-site eDNA sample processing NECR491 2023/08/31
NERR115 Edition 1 A Survey of the Black Hairstreak Butterfly in North Bucks NERR115 2024/05/31
NERR130 Edition 1 Bernwood Focus Area NVC surveys of woodland and grassland sites NERR130 2023/11/21
NERR133 BER Bat Monitoring and Evaluation Report - Assessment and Accreditation and Licensing NERR133 2024/01/08
NERR134 English seabird conservation and recovery pathway - Technical report NERR134 2024/08/06
NERR137 Edition 1 State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024 – risks to nature and why it matters NERR137 2024/10/09
NERR138 Agri-Env Evidence Annual Report 2023 NERR138 2024/08/07
NERR141 Edition 1 Living England 2022-23 Technical User Guide NERR141 2024/09/17
National biodiversity climate change vulnerability model NERR054 2014/02/03
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist EIN051 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER) EIN060 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) EIN061 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 2 Bassenthwaite Upland Ecosystem Service Pilot EIN052 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots EIN053 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators EIN054 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators EIN055 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves EIN056 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley EIN057 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey EIN058 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer EIN059 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making NERR092 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Indicators: for defining and measuring change in natural capital NERR076 2018/09/26
Natural England framework for Science, Research and Evidence NERR011 2008/04/22
  Natural England publishing standards for commissioned reports NECR000 2020/02/27
Nettlecombe Court Slope and Old Weather Station Field National Vegetation Classification 2019 NERR099 2021/07/22
Nettlecombe Court and Old Weather Station Field Grassland Fungi Assessment 2020 NERR098 2021/07/22
No Charge? Valuing the natural environment: Technical report NERR032 2010/04/15
Outcome Indicator Framework for England's 25 Year Environment Plan: D5 Conservation status of our native species, 2022 NERR124 2022/10/19
Pacific Oyster Survey 2014 and 2015; Plymouth Sound & Estuaries and Fal & Helford Special Areas of Conservation NERR075 2019/04/15
Partnership led strategy to monitor and manage the spread of Pacific oyster populations in south Devon and Cornwall NERR100 2021/09/30
Peatland Carbon Finance Scoping Study NERR107 2022/05/06
Penwith Moors Ecohydrological catchment land-cover survey May / June 2021 NERR109 2022/06/06
Pinkworthy and Driver Farm proposed Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI): grassland fungi assessment NERR116 2022/08/02
Pixton Park Grassland National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Survey 2018 - 2019 NERR101 2022/03/29
Pixton Park Saprotrophic Fungi Assessment 2019 NERR102 2022/03/29
Procedural guidelines for studying grey seals in southwest England, 2006 NERR017 2008/09/24
Qualitative and quantitative research into public engagement with the undersea landscape in England NERR019 2008/09/02
Radio Tracking Study of Greater Horseshoe Bats at Dean Hall, Littledean, Cinderford NERR012 2008/05/30
Recent losses of permanent grassland – an assessment of the evidence NERR060 2014/12/18
Review of local records centres in the UK NERR004 2007/11/15
Surveying terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates for conservation evaluation NERR005 2007/12/11
Surveys of Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) Winter 2020/21 NERR111 2022/10/04
Taking the long view - an introduction to Natural England's Long Term Monitoring Network 2009 - 2016 NERR070 2017/11/14
The Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in West Cornwall: Key sites, anthropogenic threats and their implications for conservation of the species NERR018 2008/07/31
The Countryside Code: Stakeholder Survey - A summary of findings NERR095 2021/04/01
The Economic Benefits Supported by Land Management – A Case Study of Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve NERR084 2020/09/18
The Impacts of Leisure Travel NERR014 2008/07/03
The Soils for Project Project NERR073 2018/04/11
The application of biological-effects tools to inform the condition of European Marine Sites NERR009 2008/07/03
The condition of lowland heathland: results from a sample survey of non-statutory stands in England NERR002 2007/11/13
Towards a coherent network of Marine Protected Areas. Report of a conference held on the 2-4th October, 2007, Scarborough, UK NERR006 2008/02/15
Urban Greening Factor for England – Development and Technical Analysis NERR132 2023/01/24
Urban Greening Factor for England – Summary Report NERR131 2023/01/24
Validation Network Project Saltmarshes NERR020 2008/09/24
Valuing land-use and management changes in the Keighley and Watersheddles catchment NERR044 2012/05/09
Visitor travel plans for countryside leisure destinations NERR022 2008/11/27
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Bosullow (part) (survey area 30 (part) – 2021) NERR113 2022/06/06
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Bosullow (survey area 30 – 2019) NERR088 2021/01/15
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Busvargus and Tregeseal Common (part) (survey area 11 (part) – 2022) NERR121 2022/07/28
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Carn Galver (part) (survey area 32 (part) – 2021) NERR106 2022/02/23
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Carn Glaze North (part) (survey area 8 – 2019) NERR087 2021/01/15
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Chapel Carn Brea (part) (survey area 2 (part) – 2021) NERR112 2022/06/06
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Conquer Downs to Lady Downs (part) (survey area 48 (part) – 2022) NERR117 2022/07/28
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trendrine Hill (part) (survey area 45 (part) – 2021) NERR114 2022/06/06
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trenowin Downs, Tonkin Downs, Gulval Downs and Noon Diggery (part) (survey area 51 (part) – 2022) NERR118 2022/07/28
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trink Hill (part) (survey area 55 (part) – 2021) NERR119 2022/07/28
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Watch Croft, Trevean, White Downs and Bosullow Common (part) (Survey Area 31(part) – 2022) NERR120 2022/07/28
What motivates people to participate in organised walking activity? NERR028 2009/12/04
Who took part in Walking for Health?: An analysis of walker demographics April 2008 to March 2010 NERR041 2011/06/27
Whole feature assessment pilot evaluation report: SSSI Monitoring and Evaluation – 2021 Pilots NERR122 2022/10/13