Celebrating agri-environment
To celebrate 25 years of agri-environment schemes, we showcase some of the environmental management being delivered by individual farms and the key statistics for each county. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.
Agri-environment case studies by County
For each county find out how much land is in agri-environment schemes and see examples of how farmers are managing the land.
Agri-environment case studies by Scheme
Farm case studies split out by scheme type (Environmental Stewardship, ‘classic schemes’ and Catchment Sensitive Farming).
Agri-environment case studies by information source
Drill down to view subsets of Natural England case studies; case studies provided by our partner organisations; key information sheets and press releases.
Agri-environment case studies by main enterprise
Farm case studies broken down by farming sector – drill down to see examples of what’s being delivered for the environment by each type of farm.
Agri-environment case studies by outcome
Farm case studies by what they are aiming to achieve eg more farmland birds, other wildlife benefits, soil and water protection, historic environment/landscape benefits.
Agri-environment case studies by site designation or other interest
Farm case studies linked to specific designations or topics (eg SSSIs or educational access).