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Records for this category

Title Code Published
112 River Lambourn : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF112 2014/10/01
112 Rivers Lambourn & Kennet: Proposed targets for SAC and SSSI conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP (RIVPDF112 Additional) RIV112ADD 2014/10/01
168 Peak District Dales rivers (Dove, Lathkill, Manifold, Wye) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF168 2014/10/09
185 River Avon : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF185 2014/10/01
186 River Axe : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF186 2014/10/01
187 River Camel : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF187 2014/10/01
188 River Clun : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF188 2014/10/01
189 River Dee (and Bala Lake) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF189 2014/10/01
190 River Derwent (cumbria) : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF190 2014/10/01
191 River Eden : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF191 2014/10/01
192 River Ehen : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF192 2014/10/01
193 River Itchen : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF193 2014/10/01
  193 Rivers Itchen & Test : Proposed targets for SAC and SSSI conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP (RIVPDF193 Additional) RIV193ADD 2014/10/01
194 River Kent : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF194 2016/07/12
195 River Derwent : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF195 2014/10/01
196 River Mease : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP. RIVPDF196 2014/10/01
197 River Tweed : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF197 2014/10/01
198 River Wensum : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF198 2014/10/01
199 River Wye : Proposed targets for SAC conservation objectives (based on revised Common Standards Guidance) and interim progress goals for uRBMP RIVPDF199 2014/10/01
A narrative for conserving freshwater and wetland habitats in England NERR064 2016/03/18
An evidence base for setting flow targets to protect river habitat NERR035 2011/01/10
An evidence base for setting nutrient targets to protect river habitat NERR034 2010/11/11
An evidence base for setting organic pollution targets to protect river habitat TIN076 2010/11/11
  Chalk rivers: nature conservation and management EN-EA001 1999/01/04
  Dart Biodiversity Project: Final report and evaluation ENRR439 2001/06/01
Developing River Conservation Strategies IN137 2007/06/12
Ecology of Watercourses Characterised by Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion V IN113 2007/06/19
  Geomorphological appraisal of the River Nar Site of Special Scientific Interest ENRR684 2006/09/19
  Geomorphological appraisal of the River Wensum Special Area of Conservation ENRR685 2006/09/08
Geomorphological assessment of riverine SSSIs for the strategic planning of physical restoration NERR013 2008/07/29
Guidance on Developing Structural Operating Protocols STREAM03 2009/03/02
Lower Avon Valley Macrophyte Survey 2013 IPENS004 2015/05/21
NECR516 Developing eDNA approaches for the detection of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) on the River Wyre NECR516 2024/01/18
NECR541 Information on How to Deliver and Assess Riparian Buffer Strips for Nutrient Mitigation NECR541 2024/03/07
NECR542 Information on How to Deliver and Assess River Channel Re-Naturalisation for Nutrient Mitigation NECR542 2024/03/07
Phosphorus and river ecology - Tackling sewage inputs SC23 2000/01/01
Planning river restoration STREAM01 2010/01/01
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Fovant (R. Nadder) STREAM07 2009/07/24
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Hale (R.Avon) STREAM08 2009/05/11
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Seven Hatches (R.Wylye) STREAM09 2009/05/11
Post-works assessment of the STREAM restoration project sites at Upper Woodford (R. Avon) STREAM11 2009/04/16
Priority river habitat in England – mapping and targeting measures JP006 2014/09/11
Refining the priority river habitat map for England JP012 2015/11/16
River Dove Restoration Plan JP013 2015/12/16
River Eye SSSI: Strategic Restoration Plan NECR183 2015/07/15
River Eye SSSI: Strategic Restoration Plan - Technical Report NECR184 2015/07/15
  River Mease SSSI/SAC Restoration Plan technical report 2012/03/30
River Wensum Restoration Strategy NECR010 2009/06/26
  River and lake habitat information and maps (priority habitats and restoration opportunities) 2015/11/25
River restoration advice note STREAM02 2010/01/01
River restoration assessment of the STREAM project - executive summary STREAM10 2009/12/31
River restoration theme plan IPENSTP023 2015/05/20
STREAM - Appendix A: Reach-Scale Mapping STREAM13 2009/04/01
STREAM - layman's report STREAM12 2010/01/01
The aquatic ecological status of the rivers of the Upper Dove Catchment in 2009 NECR046 2010/12/17
The relationship between Site Improvement Plans for Natura 2000 sites and River Basin Management Plans SIPINFO1 2014/10/06
Watercress growing and its environmental impacts on chalk rivers in England NECR027 2009/10/13
eDNA monitoring for migratory fish assemblages NECR290 2020/05/21