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Records for this category

Title Code Published
LIFE Recreation - ReMEDIES River Medina and Osborne Bay, Isle of Wight Subtidal Seagrass Surveys 2020 NECR372 2021/06/29
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Advanced Mooring Systems Modelling: Project Summary Report NECR424 2022/05/06
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Behaviour Change Project: Understanding the behavioural context NECR371 2021/12/17
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES – Isles of Scilly Seagrass Survey (2020) NECR358 2021/05/26
Modelling potential areas for Seagrass restoration within Plymouth Sound & Estuaries SAC and Solent Maritime SAC as part of the LIFE fund Recreation ReMEDIES project, 2020 NECR430 2022/07/01
NECR492 Edition 1 Isles of Scilly Seagrass – State of the Meadows 2023 NECR492 2024/08/09
NECR508 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Advanced Mooring Systems worldwide NECR508 2024/01/09
NECR525 Solent Maritime SAC Subtidal Seagrass Condition Monitoring NECR525 2024/03/05
NECR571 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Mapping of Seafloor Debris in Intertidal Seagrass Solent Maritime SAC NECR571 2024/09/11
  Reducing and Mitigating Erosion and Disturbance Impacts affecting the Seabed (ReMEDIES). 2024/10/29
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC NECR420 2022/10/13
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Essex Estuaries SAC NECR417 2022/10/13
Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Isles of Scilly Complex SAC NECR419 2022/10/13
  Seagrass Natural Capital Assessment: The Solent Maritime SAC NECR421 2022/10/13
Seagrass and Maerl Natural Capital Literature Review NECR416 2022/10/13
TIN222 Edition 1 Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice TIN222 2024/11/18