The LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project, led by Natural England, will protect sensitive seabed habitats including eelgrass beds – a critically endangered EU Red Listed Habitat – which are easily damaged and slow to recover. The project will facilitate the installation of new advanced mooring systems, locally-developed voluntary codes, targeted training and habitat restoration in five areas across southern England, including the Isles of Scilly Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
Targeted project delivery for the Isles of Scilly is planned to include workshops with local stakeholders to raise awareness and capture local knowledge about eelgrass on Scilly. This survey contributes to the baseline monitoring (Action D.1) for the ReMEDIES project on Scilly by assessing the condition of the eelgrass at five key eelgrass beds across the islands at the start of the project. It draws upon the experience, survey methodology and past results of the long-term monitoring programme (25 years) of eelgrass on Scilly. This survey will be repeated at the end of the project to assess change in the condition of the eelgrass.