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National Trail Proposal for the Coast to Coast Path (NE777)

Natural England has a duty under the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act to propose new national trails. This report is Natural England’s proposal to create the Coast to Coast Path National Trail.

It contains the background to the proposal and a description of the Coast to Coast Path which first came into being in 1973. It outlines the principles of alignment, the legal work required to secure rights of access, establishment work and how protected sites, including assents and consents, will be considered. A summary of the consultation with the local authorities and contact with other organisations is given, along with a section explaining how information about the route will be conveyed to users, especially through the National Trails Website.

The expected establishment costs, including infrastructure and surfacing work, and an annual maintenance estimate are given. Options for the crossing of the A19 at Ingleby Arncliffe are outlined. The report concludes with an exploration of the potential for realising the additional benefits of the Coast to Coast Path National Trail in terms of economic and accessibility improvements, along with cost estimates for this element.

The narrative description of the route from St Bees in Cumbria to Robin Hood’s Bay in North Yorkshire is accompanied by a book of maps. This illustrates the route and shows the locations where infrastructure improvements and legal work is required to bring the path up to national trail standards.

Downloads available for this record

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NE777 Edition 1 Approved National Trail Proposal for the Coast to Coast Path, PDF, 985.5 kB 2022/07/28
NE778 Edition 1 National Trail Proposal for the Coast to Coast Path - Accompanying Maps, PDF, 21.9 MB 2024/06/14