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Benefits of the natural environment

Includes services and benefits provided by ecosystems and their natural processes. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.


Records for this category

Title Code Published
A Natural Capital Strategy for North Devon NERR083 2020/05/21
Accounting for National Nature Reserves: A Natural Capital Account of the National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England NERR078 2019/02/21
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots NECR254 2018/09/10
JP051 Nature based education in the 21st century JP051 2023/09/08
NECR488 Edition 1 The Children and Nature Programme 2019-2022 Learning report NECR488 2024/09/04
NECR523 Forming a Young Advisory Group for Natural England’s Children’s People and Nature Survey (C-PANS) NECR523 2024/02/14
NEER026 Density and displacement of users of urban greenspaces and routes NEER026 2024/03/11
NEER027 Provision and management of greenspaces NEER027 2024/03/11
NEER030 A narrative review of reviews of nature exposure and human health and well-being in the UK NEER030 2024/03/01
National Natural Capital Atlas: Mapping Indicators NECR285 2020/02/13
Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators for County and City Regions NECR318 2020/07/03
Natural Capital Investment Opportunities for North Devon NECR292 2020/05/21
  Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme Process Evaluation NECR546 2024/05/09
RP04518 Edition 1 Compilation and Review of Evidence Leading to SANG and SAMM Provision RP04518 2024/03/11
Root Cause Analysis for the North Devon Landscape Pioneer NECR291 2020/05/21
The Messy Challenge of Environmental Justice in the UK: Evolution, Status and Prospects NECR273 2019/07/17
The effect of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on health and natural environment engagement in the Lee Valley NE574 2014/08/12
Upper Fowey Pont Pill MCZ Intertidal Baseline Survey ER18-372 2020/07/17