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Monitoring use and enjoyment of the natural environment

Monitoring engagement with the natural environment (MENE) Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.


Records for this category

Title Code Published
A review of the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) survey NERR058 2014/06/30
England Leisure Visits Survey 2005 TP1686 2006/11/15
Environmental Monitoring in Natural England 2012 NE408 2013/04/04
GB Leisure Day Visits Survey 2002/03 TP1685 2004/01/01
JP050 Creating More Accessible Green & Blue Spaces: Understanding the experiences of people with visual impairments that visit green and blue spaces JP050 2023/10/23
MENE Spatial Report NE317 2011/12/20
  MENE: Adult Respondent & Visit data by Local Authority DATA0010 2019/09/03
  MENE: Children’s Visit data DATA007 2019/09/03
  MENE: Gardens DATA0011 2020/04/08
  MENE: Nature Connection Index Core & Boost Data DATA008 2019/09/03
  MENE: University of Exeter Wellbeing data DATA009 2019/09/03
  MENE: Visits activity by month 2009 - 2019 DATA0014 2020/08/25
  MENE: Visits activity in May 2009 - 2019 DATA0013 2020/07/01
Monitor Engagement with the Natural Environment: Annual report from the 2013-2014 survey JP009 2015/01/14
Monitor Engagement with the Natural Environment: Technical report from the 2013-2014 survey JP010 2015/01/14
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - The national survey on people and the natural environment - Visits to coastal England NECR226 2016/10/24
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (2009-2012): Visits to the natural environment - variations in characteristics and behaviours of social groups within the adult English population DATA005 2013/10/24
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE): Attitudes towards the natural environment - Findings of additional survey analysis NECR055 2011/05/26
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE): Comparison of MENE and England Leisure Visits Survey 2005 NECR056 2011/01/11
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment 2009-12: Datasets and guidance on use for UPPER TIER LOCAL AUTHORITIES DATA002 2012/09/14
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment 2009-19: Datasets and guidance on use DATA001 2019/09/03
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment Survey (2009-2012): Analysis of data related to visits with children DATA004 2013/01/23
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment Survey (2009-2012): Difference in access to the natural environment between social groups within the adult English population DATA003 2013/01/23
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment Survey: developing a method to measure nature connection across the English population (adults and children) NECR233 2017/06/22
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey (2009 - 2012): Visit taking in the South Pennines NECR150 2014/05/16
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment visits to urban greenspaces (2009-2016) JP027 2018/07/06
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: a pilot to develop an indicator of visits to the natural environment by children NECR208 2016/02/10
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: 2014 to 2015: Technical report to the 2009-15 surveys JP015 2015/08/13
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Analysis of expenditure during visits NECR177 2015/02/24
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Headline report for the 2014-15 survey JP014 2015/08/13
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Headline report for the 2015-16 survey JP022 2017/05/08
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Technical report to the 2009-16 surveys JP023 2017/05/08
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2009-10 survey NECR049 2010/09/06
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2010-11 survey NECR083 2011/07/07
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Annual Report from the 2011-12 survey NECR094 2012/07/03
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2009-10 survey) NECR050 2010/09/06
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2010-11 survey) NECR084 2011/06/30
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Technical Report (2011-12 survey) NECR095 2012/07/03
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment - Wellbeing and the natural environment NECR129 2013/10/04
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment: Annual report from the 2012 - 2013 survey NECR122 2013/07/30
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: The national survey on people and the natural environment: Technical Report from the 2012 - 2013 survey NECR123 2013/07/30
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: a pilot for an indicator of visits to the natural environment by children - interim findings from Year 1 (March 2013 to February 2014) NECR166 2015/01/13
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: exploring the relationship between visit frequency and attitudes towards the natural environment NECR232 2017/06/22
NECR488 Edition 1 The Children and Nature Programme 2019-2022 Learning report NECR488 2024/09/04
  Nature connectedness among adults and children in England JP032 2020/03/16
Recreational activity and interactions with birds within SSSIs on the North-West coast of England RP03020 2020/08/26
Small Area Estimation feasibility: MENE survey NECR268 2019/08/28
The People and Nature Survey For England PANS001 2020/04/20
The effect of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on health and natural environment engagement in the Lee Valley NE574 2014/08/12
Visits to the natural environment in East London: Analysis of data from the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey (2009-2013) NECR167 2015/01/13