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TIN216 Edition 2 Environment Act Interim Target for protected sites (TIN216)

This Technical Information Note (TIN) sets out the approach and methods adopted to describe what counts towards the two EIP targets for terrestrial and freshwater SSSIs:

• All SSSIs will have an up-to-date condition assessment by the 31st of January 2028

• 50% of SSSIs will have actions on track to achieve favourable condition by 31st of January 2028

Most particularly the TIN looks at the target for up-to-date condition assessments. It explains how the baseline feature condition information has been used to create confidence categories. It describes which categories Natural England considers to be up to date in the context of this metric. Only those features in the complete and high confidence categories will count towards the target. The TIN also explains when features will be monitored and how the decision on when to review the condition assessment is made.

For the EIP interim target covering actions on track this document describes what is meant by SSSIs, action and on-track. The target is that 50% of actions are on track, not that they achieve favourable condition by 2028. Favourable condition is defined by Natural England for each feature and will be described in the Monitoring Specification for the SSSI.

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